Friday 7 October 2011

The Wonderful World of Sex

So, this is one of those times when I start writing about what I think, and mostly I’m one sided, and haven’t even considered any other way. Not until someone actually tells me those other ways and I’m all like, ‘Ah....’

This is like one of those times, and yet, it’s more an option about what I think, about how I see things in the ways of life and all that crap. So forgive me, before you even read this, that I may be seeing things in a set way. And yet, you kind of need this to make sense of anything that I am going to write in the following month, or so. Though I’m thinking it’s only going to be a month.

So I believe that reading a sex scene in a book is more invasive than actually having sex. There’s more factors involved in reading it....
 [sliced for obvious reasons]
First you have the fact that in a lot of romances (that’s what we are on about here. Romances) are written in more than one persons point of view, mostly the male and female character that’s falling in love, so not only do you have what’s going on with the chick, but also with the male.

Second, you actually need to know about sex. And I’m not talking the birds and bees, bullshit that talks about inserting his point A into her point B, nine months later, walla, a baby. That’s some of it, but mostly about all the bases, and what each of them really is (not that I was ever good with that shit), but more so, what it is a male and woman really do to dirty up the sheets. This is important, very, I think, and something you should know before having sex with another person, ‘cause if you don’t know that then how the hell are you meant to have any fun.

The third is that sex is messy, and in more ways than it actually being messy, which it is—seriously, if it’s not you’re not doing it right. But that’s not my point. Sex in novels, ‘cause of the fact that it’s in words, its messy emotionally, well, all the ones I read, I never see the point in reading it if both parties are on bored fully, what’s the fun in that.

But my point, the emotions that come from sex are actually what drives the sex, what makes it better, and in novels it’s what drives the sex, (or am I the only one?). You see, I find that no matter how graphic the sex scene is in the novel it’s nothing if there isn’t something deep driving it. There isn’t anything interesting about reading a sex scene because it’s there, but if...let’s say, there’s panic that they won’t see each other. If maybe one of them just figure something out about the other, just realised he/she is in love with the other and the sex comes off that. Or... well, the list is endless and more so it’s my point. When the emotions are driving the sex, you will see the sex, it becomes more pronounced, something beautiful even in it’s aggressiveness, or more heartfelt in its tenderness.

It’s what makes a sex scene, and something you really have to look out for if you are thinking about moving into it. You really need to understand sex, in more ways than just the sex. Seriously, it’s all it is, and when there isn’t anything in it, you (or I) don’t really see it, the scene becomes boring and you skip it even while reading it. It’s the scenes that have a lot added to it that make then get to you and also what makes them uncomfortable, if you aren’t use to it.

But that’s only one way around it, the other is the passion sex, which I find is very invasive and when an author is writing this type of scene, it’s more about the sex. What they physically feel, rather than all the crap that goes with it. This sex I always found is much harder, aggressive, possessive. It’s about the animal in us that drives the need to mate, to enjoy and bring pleasure in others. That’s what passion sex is, and most romances are about that type of quick starting sex.

This sex is inevitable in romances, because it’s what gets the relationship noticed, that hard hitting lust that drives all thoughts from your brain until all there is, is this need to be naked with the one that’s bring that emotion out in you. This sex is normal at the beginning of the book; this high level lust is all the way threw, though it becomes something more. It’s still there.

And four, what’s happening to the physical body on an everyday basses is something you have to known about, or be prepared for. It’s really all about preparing yourself for what you will find in a romance that’s the problem, even if you have been told that it’s not bad, there is still going to be sex, that’s what happens when things get put into the adult category, and a full scene of sex, not something talked about, or skipped over in a paragraph, it’s sex, full blown, and if you aren’t ready for that then don’t read one, don’t even think about starting because...well, why put yourself into that position in the first place, why make yourself uncomfortable for no reason I can see. read what you want to, who gives a shit about what other people say, really, what’s life if you’re going to be a sheep to someone else’s will?
      That’s all for now
Thanks for your time,

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