In the darkest corners of the night in Caldwell, New York, and conflict
like no other rages. The city is home to a band of brothers born to defend
their race: the warrior vampires of
The Black Dagger Brotherhood
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood series,
book 9
Pub: 2011, Piatkus
Author: J. R. Ward
Cat: paranormal romance
Format: paperback (full); 489pp w/ 59
Whose: Payne & Manny
Age Range: adult
twin sister of the Vishous, is cut from the same dark, seductive cloth as her
vampire brother. Imprisoned for eons by their mother, the Scribe Virgin, she
finally frees herself – only to face a devastating injury.
Manello, MD, is drafted by the Brotherhood to save Payne – but when the human
surgeon and the vampire warrior meet; their two worlds collide in the face of
their undeniable passion. With so much working against them, can love prove
stronger than the birthright and the biology that separate them?
(Written March, when came out) To me this story was
at least four in one, but unlike Phury’s it didn’t feel like so much. it was
more in house with an outside threat that has just arrived, so really this
book, to me, was the beginning of another chapter into the war, or more so,
just the story line that it will head down in the next books, though unless
she’s doing Qhuinn’s story next, I have no idea’s who it will be.
it had Qhuinn giving up his wish to be what he isn’t. And Payne recovering from
her spinal injury from the last book and her love for Manny, who in turn is
scared of his love for her, though even though this story was obviously the
main, it didn’t feel that way to me.
though, now his story, the one that gets him to open up and realise that he is
actually screwed up more then he thought, and that he didn’t deserve it. And
his relationship with Jane, even when it’s clearer to even him that he has a
better one with Butch.
though, out of them all, this story seemed the lightest, even though there was
some heavy emotional crap in it, it was light in the way of information and
maybe the afterwards of it. Like... ‘Yes, finally Vishous’s story has a
finish’, like finally he can be pushed aside and someone else can come forward.
(Second read threw), most of what I said above
still applies, but I think my thoughts on the book, the way I look at it is a
little different since I have read a few other reviews on the series and the
view points of them has opened my eyes and let me see so much more.
maybe it was more for the fact that when I read it this time, my focus went to
a different character, mostly, the two it was meant to be in the first place.
really like Payne and Manny are like the two most perfect coples that have ever
graced this series. And I’m saying this more for the fact that they are great,
strong, independent people who happened to find that quality attractive.
are also family strong, and they are willing to give up everything for someone
they love.
it also shows the heartbreak and the softness to them. Though saying this, yes,
this is what all the characters beforehand have done. But both Payne and Manny
aren’t afraid to show the world these qualities, it’s not just something that
they themselves see with the other.
get me wrong, I’m still all for John and Xhex, but I think, unlike the rest of
the brothers, unlike them, this is the first time, since the very first book,
that the romance is coming from two characters we don’t know anything about. Not
really. We seen them slightly in other, hell, Payne we didn’t see at all until
the last chapter in the last book.
I’ll stop, because I’m doing nothing but babble on and on, and who wants that?
as it goes, this isn’t one of my favourite, but generally I have three stops
and then the rest sit at one place, and as it is, I don’t believe that any
story she can write from here on out will shove aside my top three.
Dark Lover, Lover
Eternal, Lover Awakened, Lover Revealed, Lover Unbound, Lover Enshrined, Lover
Avenged, Lover Mine, [tb], Lover Reborn,
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