These pictures (if there you tell me I’ll take them
down) are inspiration or part of it. These are vidual inspiration for a short
story (more scene) that I haven’t been able to not write.
The story came from a conversation with Rach Dimpled
Minx, so thank you and sorry, but to be fair to you, I wrote it with you in
I really hope you like it, because it’s been
actually a little harder to start than I thought, mostly because, even though
it’s a sex scene, I want it to be a story too.
What can I say I’m a romance writer.
Anyway, it will be up tomorrow, bright and early,
and Rach I hope you enjoy. This is for you.
it's called Ghost of Swamp Creek, and the creature in the
first pic is the same, but the dude isn’t. I wish it wasn’t true, as that story
would be wickedly hot, but alas it doesn’t work with what we talked about (lol)
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