Friday, 19 December 2014

Extasy Books Advent & Christmas Chat

If you don’t Beany Sparks is running an advent giveaway that will run up until the eXtasy books chat. Which means you need to go along to each day and get a word which, well… go check it out, you’ll understand.


go, quickly, get the words, learn the sentence just in time for the Christmas Chat
for more you’ll need to check out Beany’s site or FB – Book Carousel for more details.

I’ll start with the fb post of times, and we’ll move on from there.


The chat will be from 8am PST 19th December until midnight PST 21st December at

For those of you in different time zones thats

        19-Dec 8AM PST
        19-Dec 11AM EST
        19-Dec 4PM GMT
        19-Dec 6PM CAT
        20-Dec 3AM AEDT

        21-Dec Midnight PST
        22-Dec 3AM EST
        22-Dec 8AM GMT
        22-Dec 10AM CAT
        22-Dec 7PM AEDT

It’s a free for all style, as the chat is being held on, which is an awesome place, much more twitter-like than anything, but the flow is nicer as it’s all on one board, we aren’t trying to write and read between different posts.

Authors will come and spend some time when they have it over the 2 days, and it’s be awesomely fun. I can’t wait, I love chats. Though I won’t be able to be there when it opens up, because… well, its 3am for me, I’ll be there as soon as I wake up.

There are prizes involved in the chat, like 3 for readers and 1 for authors. I really hope to see you all there

And if you haven’t seen yet, I’m running a Christmas Present giveaway with 15 e-books in the main prize.


  1. Very christmas pasttime? I love decorating the tree, making sugar cookies, and sitting down with my family watch christmas movies. :)

  2. Christmas past time? You mean better than eating....Making cookies with my sister, mom and daughters and giving gifts. Merry Christmas
