Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Last 24 hrs

We have come to the end of this long giveaway. It’s the longest and the biggest giveaway that I have ever been a part of, and I’m running it

So there isn’t much more to say, you’ve seen, heard from, or listened to me go on and on for so long that if I was actually talking my throat would be raw. So let’s just sigh at the prizes up for offer and cross our fingers and hope that we are the ones winning.

If this is the first time you’ve heard, well, why are you still looking, scroll down, enter!!!



  1. My favorite Christmas pass time is spending time with family.

  2. It would have to be the moments shared with loved ones throughout the season.

  3. Christmas Eve watching the Muppet Christmas Carol with the family then spending time with the extended family on Christmas.Merry Christmas
