Week 105 is
My Sexy Boyfriend
“You have a good day?” Matt asked with a smug smile.
Paul rested his hands
against the back on the lounge; watching the telly for a moment before looking
down at his lover.
“It was good,” Paul replied
distractedly, impressed with himself that he was able to pull together a
sentence that complex.
Popping the button on his
pants he shimmied out of them. There was nothing for it; Paul was going to have
him here, on the lounge.

When Paul finally managed to
strip himself clean of clothes he was panting, his balls heavy, aching. He leaped
over the back of the lounge and onto his prize.
Matt made a noise that
quickly turned into a moan of delight as Paul grabbed at the man’s body and
began licking at the tip of his cock, gathering up his pre-cum for a taste.
Matt tried pushing up into the hand and mouth, wanting more wetness, but Paul
wasn’t having any of it. He knew Matt needed to come, he just didn’t want to
have to clean it off the leather. He’d much prefer to clean it off Matt.
And onto the
pimping and other random facts linked to this hop
Love Without Knowing It
(November #1)
When everything Paul had
ever known turned upside down, suddenly he needs to man up and fight for the
love he’s always feared.
Paul’s life was set. He had
what he needed and what he was comfortable with. Then a night with one of his
regular lovers pulls him into the drama of sickness, love, and death.
In the end, Paul needs to
work a few things out first: Is he strong enough to fall in love with a man
that may need more than he’s able to give, or will he fall into old habits and
run when the relationship gets too complicated?
I’m grateful for your click,
and I sincerely hope you’ll come around next week.
Click here for the post it
originated on, or click the next on the list in the linky below
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