26/8: So a strange thing started when I finished Siren's Storm since (if you haven't read review) it's about mermaids, more Greek based but anyway this is beside the point. The point being that not only can I not write one book at a time I also can't think about one. (this does not happen while reading if I put it down for no reason, generally I won’t pick it back up again).
27/8: So here’s the thing that I’m struck again—even though I’m getting a hell of a lot better at writing (or more so spelling) I still lose words, still can’t read some that are so simple. It’s like I sorta know what that word means but I wouldn’t for the life of me be able to tell you what it says and that sucks. Just a thought sorry.
28/8: Camelot aired tonight on Channel 9 (haven't see
it though, I'm a Castle fan and that's on same time diff channel), which if you’re
not a Australian, means nothing to you, but me... I love the story of Merlin -
okay so it's really King (prince whatever he is) Edward, but still, it's my fav
story. Though I'm a little scared that's it's going to be too much sex and I
hate high budget tv sex. really I hate all tv sex (unless it's porn, but hey
that's real) I hated orgasm face, unless I'm the one that's causing it, like
really does anyone else like to see it. and sheet, too much shoulder grabbing
and strategically placed sheets, that just make it seem more unreal. But hey, I
look at the big pictures and I really don't care about the fact that they are
having sex! Really have the time it doesn't seem like it was even needed, and
that's even worse, I hate unnecessary crappy overly priced sex
the books I read
So this is what I thought while I was reading these
books, ‘cause that’s what I do, and who doesn’t like to have a little chat
about the book with another, and being that you are the only ones I can really
talk to about the books I read (yeah, no friends and no one that likes what I
do. Or at least not at the present or who I see enough). Anyway, this is going
to be long, but all the reviews where back dated so you don’t have to go through
all of them, just click on the book name threw the blog (mostly the start one)
and you will get the review, I thought that might be nicer than, you know,
actually making you read them—and like me having to space them, rather than
just post them all at once (which is what I did).
- First day/Book 1: just finished Siren’s Storm, so it’s 11pmish

26/8: So a strange thing started when I finished Siren's Storm since (if you haven't read review) it's about mermaids, more Greek based but anyway this is beside the point. The point being that not only can I not write one book at a time I also can't think about one. (this does not happen while reading if I put it down for no reason, generally I won’t pick it back up again).
So in this thinking back on the book,
logging parts I won't forget I end up thinking about Zombies vs. Unicorns
and how I'm really not a fan of either creature (which sucks when trying to
read the book) and the main reason behind that is because when you think (or I,
can't speak for you, know can I) about zombies, you think horror, death, decay,
fear, evil and unicorns it's all puppy dogs and pussy cats, rainbows and
sunshine. Pureness and innocents, honestly, goodness. But mermaids...? They
can really go both ways can't they?
So many myths are all rolled into one when
it comes to mermaids. A voice so pure and beautiful it’s terrifyingly hypnotic.
A face so beautiful you can't even see it. And then there's the fact that
mermaids ever really in one specific category. Like, yeah, we've made
werewolves and vampires good by giving them life, a voice, but in reality and
most mythical based they aren't good both blood lusting beasts that thrive on
death. Zombies - death. so bad... actually (had pause while thought popped into
head) mermaids are kinda like fairies in a way both good and bad rolled
into this beauty you’re not sure which it is until it’s too late and yet I
can't read all that many fairies books (for that reason) but give me mermaids
and you'll have me hooked!!!
which isn't really all that true, I read a
book because I want to, there isn't a topic or anything like that behind it
like yeah authors I like before will get first look but still if it doesn't
stand interesting it's off my list.
- Book 2: Born at Midnight, finished 5:42pm

27/8: So here’s the thing that I’m struck again—even though I’m getting a hell of a lot better at writing (or more so spelling) I still lose words, still can’t read some that are so simple. It’s like I sorta know what that word means but I wouldn’t for the life of me be able to tell you what it says and that sucks. Just a thought sorry.
You know what I really liked about this book? It
was the fact that the main plot didn’t seem
to be about her. Like yeah she saved the day and all but still it didn’t seem
like it was really about her. Which is really different and not something you
usually see. like yeah there’s probably gonna be a huge picture that more based
around her and what she really is but this book plot seemed way of course and
only reason it was ever really in it (other than smaller thing threw it) was
because she finally realised she liked being what she was and the thing was
threatening her chance at even really understand it. Or at least that’s my
thoughts—and probably has better understanding if you’ve a: read the book, and
maybe B: you’ve read the review.
So I just watch (this day) Book Chat: Movie
Adaptations by BookRatMisty (you should check her out, on youtube) in it she
was talking about books that turned into movies and what one she really liked
and I know you will never see this, so it shouldn’t be added here, but it’s
something that happen in this point and I was nice by waiting and all that.
anyway, the movie that I like both book and movie is ‘the Secret Garden’, I
loved the movie and even though I couldn’t read it until like last year, my mum
use to read it to me all the time, and I loved the book, hell I loved even more
when I actually read the thing. Such a great movie, even though there are some
things in the book that are heaps different than the movie they are both great
in my mind and in their own rights. So yeah.
- Book 3: Dark of the Moon (28th - 29th) - review with book three. it's easier that way

Though I hate that too with books,
even romances, come on people, pick up porn if all you won’t is sex, like yeah
it's fun to write sex scenes but don't put them in just to fill pages, they are
really annoying - or at least I think so...
- Book 4: Night's Edge (all three stories where first published in 2004)
30/8: I really have forgotten how much I like Charlaine
as a writer, it was something lost to me in a series that is starting to annoy
me, but it's nearly ending (I hope) and so I'll stay for that.
I re-wrote ME, check it out if out want.
- Book 5: A Vampire Penance
1/8: I really liked this book, though this isn't at all a review on it. I like it
in the fact that it was so perfectly prepositioned in the way of the outside
world and the character bass. I love the relationship between Jessa and Graf
(main characters) and with Jessa and Derek. I loved the history, I loved the
place, the reason they were there and the towns people (being that they were
trapped there for five years) though it was very 12th century mind set, it
was...I don't know, understandable. I don't think it would have worked if it
was anywhere else, but just...
This book was awesome, a little slow and ended with you wanting more, though I'm still not convinced that it's more of the same thing or just Jennifer Armintrout's writing style.
It’s a book to recommend, it's a great book, really great. Honestly you should read it if you ever the chance.
This book was awesome, a little slow and ended with you wanting more, though I'm still not convinced that it's more of the same thing or just Jennifer Armintrout's writing style.
It’s a book to recommend, it's a great book, really great. Honestly you should read it if you ever the chance.
- Firday night/Sat morn movies:
- Fast & Furious 5. (there were some thumbs up in this one.)
- Circue du Freak: the Vampire's Assistant. (crap from the get go. honestly I couldn't get past the first ten mins of the show.)
this book is also the only historical book that I will willingly read
(unless of course it was written back then, I hate - no this is another topic,
and one that may come up later this month, or earlier, or next month. it's coming,
but I'm not sure when) - if you read the link from the movie night you would understand this a little better.
also I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with Danny Marks when he talks about liking the 'butter' covers I think is what he calls them. the ones that feel...I don't know, sticky..no gritty, whatever it is. it's like when you holding it reading it, it's nice, but running you fingers over, consesly thinking about the feel. it's like running your hands across corded jeans. it's odd and most of the time you hate it (or maybe that's just me) but it's also cool too. no matter what you find yourself unable to let the thing go.
well this is part one of my marathon. it's getting to be a long post and like, well I'm done, the reviews and everything, they where all backdated a lest two days ago (casue I want them inside September). thanks for reading, listening, and let me know what you think. if you agree or don't
the next one will be in a week or two, maybe after then next five or so books, so look forward to that. I'm also going to do a blog on my thoughts about sex scenes, and they over use when it - yeah, it will be next week. 'cause I feel you need that info from my brain, and it's something that is always going to come up with me.
so see you on the flip side, suckers!
- Book 6: Forsaken.

also I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with Danny Marks when he talks about liking the 'butter' covers I think is what he calls them. the ones that feel...I don't know, sticky..no gritty, whatever it is. it's like when you holding it reading it, it's nice, but running you fingers over, consesly thinking about the feel. it's like running your hands across corded jeans. it's odd and most of the time you hate it (or maybe that's just me) but it's also cool too. no matter what you find yourself unable to let the thing go.
well this is part one of my marathon. it's getting to be a long post and like, well I'm done, the reviews and everything, they where all backdated a lest two days ago (casue I want them inside September). thanks for reading, listening, and let me know what you think. if you agree or don't
the next one will be in a week or two, maybe after then next five or so books, so look forward to that. I'm also going to do a blog on my thoughts about sex scenes, and they over use when it - yeah, it will be next week. 'cause I feel you need that info from my brain, and it's something that is always going to come up with me.
so see you on the flip side, suckers!