And the web site dedicated to Laurell K Hamilton's
I'd love to laugh, but hey I'm looking at it all, seeing
what they see, and all that—so far only Edward has got a pic of a real person I
would say fits his character, but then, out of all the people in her books, he
was the least described and so plainly a person that could be real (if
you don't understand I get it, I'm not the easiest for that shit, but Laurell loves
to describe her characters, over and over, to a point that if you have obsessively
read all her books you would be able to sketch the characters yourself, and
even more, everyone would most likely get the same pic, it's what she does,
except with Edward, he's as mysterious in her description—which out of them all is about as described as other
authors do their main characters, but in her sense it's so little, and yet it's
a pic)
Any way this web site: the tab reads; Welcome to the Anitaverse, it's actually done nicely, sorta (or maybe I have just been on a
few too many sleazy web sites lately)
So we go onto it, and there's a lot of shit about the
books, about her (her being Anita) but it’s the characters that I'm interested
in. [and more so the fact that I'm going to show you a few of the graphic novel
pic, so that's why I wanted to plug the site a little]
what I don't get as I look at the comic pics of Anita is that they don't dray her with large breasts, she had hips but her breasts are, well, reasonable, where as in the books, it's like all she is is hips and breasts. just a thought, don't know if you care at all.
and of course the first character you come across, other than Anita but I'll get to her is Jean-Clude.
I actually like this pic of him the best, or maybe all that are like him like this, I just don't have a strong image of him with lots of muscles, I get him with a nice body and I know Laurell tends to go a little over board in the muscle department of her men (but if overly defined abs is what she likes, then good on her) but I never saw him, or Asher haveing been that well defined, just softly male, they both have said (a number of times, in a number of books) that it was the looks that got them what they wanted. that they were both very atractive, or eye, before they changed over. so him like this seem much more what I picture than anything that shows him ripped.
this is a pic of Asher and man is it a great one, not only the pic itself but also of what he was when he first came onto the set, and even know when he puts on his face.
the one thing that I hate about people putting a human face onto a character like Asher is that you can't minipulate that type of scaring, it just doesn't work, (really, tell me a time when it did?) I just hate it kinda like them sparkling up Edward in Twilight when all they really need to do was smother him in glitter and shin a light on him (really, easy, effective, and have you ever tyed to get glitter off? hard as). they either don't try hard enough or they try to hard when it comes to that type of work and it ruins they whole thing because all you can see it the fuck up they have made out of that person. but this one, he's is both beautful and what he is like, ecpecally in the early days or when there are new people around.
next is Richard, and I like this pic, it's very much from Narcissus in Chains (i think) when Anita comes to get her lepard back.
anyway, Richard is very much your love hate character that I feel towards the end when Anita gets to a point of always bitching about everything and becoming to much of a girl he's the one that makes the first her come back, love him for that. but he can ba an ass, where I feel he comes across as that in this book. it's a very good pic.
I'm loving as I fish threw all the names and people in the books, I'm loving how the wereanimals are drawn, they are awesome...
and the wererat above, who cool are they, I really like how they take the human abs and put them into the animal. That it's more of an animal then anything else, but there's certain things that shows it to be human (this I'm talking more about the left photo, the right I'm guessing is meant to be a purds versoin on the half-'n'-half form) oh, and with that, if you go on, you should defiantly check out Heven, if anything that's just one hot looking male
this is just a slide in because I love the added effect of the height difference between the two of them, it's what I pictured and yet when it comes to things like that it's not as easy as it should be. but the whole,
'Its hard to look intimidating when you have to look up'
that Anita is more cominly saying adds a extra effect in this pic, though Dolph is quite tall on top of everyone else. but still... I really like that.
now why this pic? I'm chosing it for Edward because, well, I feel this one actually captures what I see of him. but still not, if that makes much sense, it's also the only one I like of Anita as well, though her pic is always the same, it's still, I don't know, it's the face in this one, her expresion that I like the most, annoyance that she has there, while Edward is showing nothing. I think this one has campured a lot more out of the two of them than any other one I have seen so far.
okay, so let's come to a lovely end of this with two photos, one is of a cover os a comic and yeah. so...
thanks for your time
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