So it's time.... I'm getting rid
of, like, a row of YA books—mostly because I'm giving them to my niece. they
aren’t all that important and even more so I haven’t read them in so long they
are starting to collect dust.’s taking them them
away.... it’s....
Yeah, you can all say it, I
need to grow up and stop holding onto things that aren’t all that important,
and more so the ones that I haven’t read. But—but....
They’re just...they are...
Ha, there’s something I can
latch onto. The books I’m giving to her—which I really do want to do—seriously I
want someone to have them who will actually read them. And so I’m more than
happy to give them to her. They’re just, like, well, my first sets of series,
and it’s a whole shelf (nearly) of them... it’s like, what I imagine, getting
an abortion must feel like. I’m losing something, and yet it’s not as if it’s
all that important to me (shit, that was actually really horrible, sorry, try
and forget what I said, please)

oh, and I'm throwing in Wolves Boys, and other things that might kill me, by Kristen Chandler
I was even thinking ‘bout
giving up the four books I have of my Vampire Academy series. But I haven’t
decided, and anyway, it’s an older style series (she’s only like 12 or
something, really—but she’s aloud to watch Twilight, why not read it?)

and something to brighten my day (slightly) I got MBOPR 2, (I'm waiting on nuber one and another book that better come this week or I'm going to be pissed) and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, so my collection is complete, and they are all the same type movie covers--which is awesomely cool and very pulled back from Hollywoods style, normally they change things so many times it isn't fully and you never get one full set unless you buy a pack. but seven years and the DVD 2disk set are all the same.

Well thanks for your time
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