Series: Mark of the Vampire, book 1
Pub: 2010, Signet Eclipse (piatkus)
Author: Laura Wright
Genre: paranormal romance
Format: paperback (mid); 304pp w/ 40
Whose: Alexander & Sara
Age Range: adult
Roman wants nothing to do with the controlling rulers of his vampire breed, but
as a new threat to the pureblood vampires emerges, Alexander’s ties to the past
are forced upon him and, without warning, he finds himself disorientated,
terrified and near death at the door of a stranger.
Sara Donohue is dedicated to removing the traumatic memories of her
patients—like those of the stranger at her front door. But what he tells her of
his past is too astonishing to be anything more than the delusions of a madman.
Then, as their worlds collide, Sara and Alexander are bound, as one becomes
hunter and the other prey. And Sara’s only chance of survival is to surrender
to the final—and most unimaginable—desire of her life.
Midnight Ramblings....
start this at page 85 (which also happens to be in chapter 12, just in case you
were wondering) mostly because this is the point where it’s gotten to a point
that I needed to have this bitch, or maybe more so get it out there. Really who
knows but I need to start this now.
books concept comes from like 3 different books, and that’s what I can think of
right now. Maybe. One of them could hold this problem because o only recently
read it. But I’m more than sure that they came first—I’ll check....ah, fuck it,
I read that one first. but the whole big male with a birth defect that will
turn him insane only to have a human woman come along and make it all better—okay,
first the book I’m thinking of had no humans, I don’t even think the series had
them as anything but food. But that’s okay it’s a concept that’s easily taken
in, we already know that it’s not something we have to dwell on in order to
understand, that’s great, right?
a truth, I like this point, honestly by his point I’m actually enjoying the
book though it hasn’t pulled me in yet. Maybe this is a point to that it’s just
gotten to the point that I have to stop and have a bit of a chuckle—and ramble
it seems. Sorry.
male to go insane, check.
brothers: an alpha, the patient, and the predator. Sounds familiar to you?
that want them locked up!
group of unknownish that have been given a promise and power that you know isn’t
going to work. Really know there the bad guys of the series and it’s defiantly
a sees thing, if not I’ll give you my left nut. (he, he, Without a Paddle, if
you haven’t seen it you should, hilarious movie).
a mad man that’s going to be the terror and stiff of this book. Again the same
as before if this doesn’t come true.
also, actually I won’t bit at the moment there is absolutely nothing original
about and of the book except her writing style. I can’t even say the voice is
different all I hear is the other books that this one has clearly be though up
its’ late and I’m finished with this book for now, mostly because I wanna get
to bed earlier and what if the book grabs me from this point? I wanna sleep and
that will be difficult when reading is something of a must (yeah, you
the way I’m serious. This book is has Desire
Unchained back story with Dark Lover’s
plot. It makes me want to laugh because of those points as well as pick the
books up and read them instead.
but it’s laughable the way I’m thinking about the other books, and still
thinking that this one isn’t bad and wondering how she’s going to swing it.
as fuck, with a mind that’s only half there.
now I have finished the book, and had a bit of time before writing down my
thoughts to have had a nice little think back of the book, and even though
everything I said above was right, this book held more.
Fear and Need.
part that I’m not telling you about is linked to her family and is actually the
twist in the story and makes things all better, though this twist is as old as
time as it stares you in the face. honestly it’s one of those twists that if
the rest of the book was someone else’s writing work of someone else’s book you
would have rolled your eyes when reading the obvious, as it was I kinda missed
it (this could have been because I actually missed it, there was a time in the
middle that my eyes moved and looked as if they were reading but no words
really sank into the tissue).
it’s all about them falling in love, fighting a big bad crappy vampire, and I
get to keep my nuts nice and close—you have no hope getting them, not from this
say it was one of the most predicable stories out there, but it wasn’t, it wasn’t
even that bad a read (I say this, because I finished it, I don’t if I can’t). It
was that many different types of stories that have been played out in so many
different types of ways that it had you wondering just how she was going to
finish it off.
way she did it had my eyes rolling, but then I already knew this would
happened, really, it’s a romance.
worst from it all was the fact that it wasn’t a bad read, that Wright actually has
a good voice and interesting thoughts for all her characters, it was the actual
story line and back drop, all the elements in the book that has me eyes rolling
and a need, so close to the surface that wants me to mock the crap out of it
(and trust me on this I’m keeping it leashed for niceties).

all in all, I didn’t not like it and I did finish it. So that’s saying a bit. The
only thing I didn’t particularly like was the end and the reunion, but maybe
that was a time thing for her, or she didn’t really see that as being a BIG
part in Sara’s mental state, were I saw it and wanted something a little more
than what was there.
you can’t have everything you want, and I’m not judging this book because of
the last couple of lines.
the way, just something semi related, I really like the cover for this one (the
one that I got, which is pictured with the deets). Not so much the pic of the
people or really any of the actually picture at all, but the scratches and
things marking the cover, making it look as if it’s been well used. I think
that’s cool.
[tb], Eternal Kiss,
Eternal Captive, Eternal Blood, Eternal
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