Sent 2 includes Hell and Faith
Series: Heaven Sent, book 3 & 4
Pub: 2007, Looseld
Author: Jet Mykles
Genre: erotic romance (LGBT contemporary)
Format: paperback (lar); 408pp
Whose: Brent & Hell / Darien &
Age Range: adult
Sent gets a hell of new keyboardist with a name to match. Hell Witting is an
amazing musician and proves to be the answer to a sound that the band was
missing. With lavender hair and big violet eyes, he captivates Brent Rose from
the start, and not just with his music.
knows better than to get involved with a member of the band. That just invites
trouble and the last thing he wants is trouble for Heaven Sent. So he’ll just
keep the attraction to himself. Doesn’t matter anyway. Hell couldn’t possible
want him. After all, Brent’s not gorgeous and flashy like the other members of
the band.
Hell makes his interest in Brent all too obvious, Brent in unprepared and
unable to stay away. So, fine, if they just keep it at sex, everything will be
all right. won’t it?
best friends are the other guys in the rock band Heaven Sent. The three—now four—of
them are closer than brothers to him and he’s happy that they’ve all found
their life mates. He is. He doesn’t at all mind that each of those like mates
are men. He doesn’t.
fact, that’s just it. Maybe there’s something to this gay stuff. He’s never
been particularly interested before, but after a short, failed marriage, he’s
willing to open himself up to new possibilities. Especially if one of those
possibilities is the gorgeous lawyer who handled his divorce, Christopher
is, Chris doesn’t seem to want to believe that Darien’s serious. Well, sure,
Darien’s never slept with a guy before, but he’s allowed to change his mind. Isn’t
man, I love these books, this series! It’s the fucking bomb. Mykles just has a way of writing
something that hits home and stays lodged in your brain till the final moment,
right up until the end when you want to flip the thing back to the start and
start all over again.
are just a great fucking series. Read it.
one is a little different, since both Hell and Faith are pretty much the same story. Yeah,
things are real different, mostly because the characters are, but it’s more
about the fact that one half wants the relationship and the other is scared
shitless of it.
in Hell, it’s Brent that’s the scaredy
cat and in Faith, well, Faith is.

were great, better than the first two and yet...not. The first two, I suppose are
about strong males going after men that weren’t really all that into them (at
face value, they were really into them) these are...well, I’ve said it before.
story in these ones are very similar, fast and yet there’s a harshness to their
softness that has you falling head over heels for all four characters.
I think that I liked these books the most was actually because they were
written from the band member’s points of view and so you got to see the band,
well, recording, but it’s nice and fun to have all those personalities back and
in there ‘natural’ environment, rather than being the people that are on the
outskirts coming in.
will say this, I did like Hell
better. I loved Brent as a character; I think it was great to have him going through
all his problems and Hell was just....
don’t know, but I Hell was my favourite
out of the two books, though Faith
was heartbreaking and made you feel something while reading it, something that
I didn’t in the first one.
the ending of Faith is so much more
than any of the rest.
think this is because all three books before this had bad breaks before the
reconnection, a way that was very different, or at least maybe, it was more
because we got to see what Darien was thinking and planning, where as the
others....it was them some ones wanting them back (though not in Brent’s but
that was different).
Heaven, Purgatory,
[tb], [tb], Genesis, Revelations
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