Thursday, 7 June 2012

Hadn’t the Pleasure # 5

The books that have been collecting dust for so long they have become stained from it

Only Willow has the power to defeat the malevolent Church of Angels, and they will stop at nothing to destroy her. Willow isn’t alone, though. She has Alex by her side—a trained Angel Killer and her one true love.

But Willow will always be a half-angel, and when Alex joins forces with a group of AKs, she’s treated with mistrust and suspicion. She’s never felt more alone...until she meets Seb. He’s been searching for Willow his whole life—because Seb is half-angel too.

Angle Fire, L. A. Weatherly
(Angel Burn series, #2)
Published, 1st October 2011 by Usborne Publishing Ltd
trilogy Includes
Angel & Angel Fever
the why’s
I haven’t read it? Because the thing, though my copy is mid size, it has 708 pages, and that’s just hard to read, especially when I found the first book so interesting.
It’s also, because book 3 comes out in Oct ’12, so...why not just wait and I can read them back to back.
I’m also a little leery, I really loved the first book, and being that I’m not into Angels it’s a huge deal that this book was a hit to me. and the second book in a series is generally not as good for the fact that there is always so much information in them, and they are leading up to a big finish. But it could be good...I don’t know, I’m just, well....

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