Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Stuck in Your Head #17

I'm going to give you the line from the books I've read that make my mind crave the rest like coke.

Yeah, this one is because the series, the book is so fresh in my mind, though I didn’t have an actual line that pulls me in, I haven’t read it enough for that yet, so I got this one off GoodReads.

“Hey, it’s not much of a closet is it?”
“No. it’s not. I don’t like closets. Life’s to short to spend hiding in the dark.”

Fatal Shadow by Josh Lanyon
(Adrien English Mystery #1)
First Published in 2000
Adult, contemporary mystery

Adrien English Mystery Series #1 Someone's out to get Los Angeles bookseller Adrien English. His best friend has been viciously murdered, now he's getting weird phone calls and sinister gifts from a mysterious "admirer." The cops think he's trying to divert suspicion from himself-with the exception of sexy and homophobic homicide detective Jake Riordan. Is Riordan really such a great detective--or does he have a few secrets of his own? Is his offer to help Adrien on the level or is he out to nail his favourite suspect -- to the wall?

Series includes
A Dangerous Thing, The Hell You Say, Death of a Pirate King & The Dark Tide

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