Story 1: Time, Set in Motion to Story 11: Scars
OT, Paranormal
Abandoned as a baby and raised in an
orphanage, the kind-hearted high-schooler Yuki Sakuragi is driven by a need to
find the reason for his existence. Plagued by mysterious dreams, Yuki also
possesses the strange ability to read the deepest, darkest thoughts of anyone
he touches. As both the dreams and his powers intensify, there appears before
him a beautiful young man named "Zess," whose face tugs on Yuki's
memory. He warns Yuki not to venture outside on Walpurgis Night, the eve of the
blood-red moon, which invites death. But when Yuki's compassion leads him to
disobey Zess's order, has Yuki carelessly thrown his life away before he's even
given himself the chance to find out the very reason for it?
I’m reserving my
right to not have an opinion on this yet.
The drawing is like others I’ve read in these side of the whole
manga world. Most of the characters look too similar to be able to tell them
apart. Though unlike most, this book is kinda limited on characters—the main
ones, there are only, around, ten of them (but I’ll get to that)
It’s got that set up that’s kinda hard to follow. More so if you’re
not use to this swing of things. It’s a little jumpy but at least when someone
was speaking—really speaking, the bubbles showed who was saying what.
The play between the characters is good, give comic relief to a story
that’s meant to be depressing, but that relief is quite stock. I’m hoping once
the characters are more known, there personalities will rise up and make the
banter between them all something more than what everyone else dose (I have vol
2 waiting to read, so we’ll see)
And lastly this volume was clearly two in one. The thick thing was
really awkward to read for the first time, but then I like the littler ones
better anyway—I’m read a multiple book before. And this one was defiantly that.
Half way through there’s an end part—skit, fan corner, and when the next book
started they even had a ‘last time highlight’ which I guess helped a little. And
I’m even more curious for the next volume, though saying this I’m not sure how
much so if I didn’t already have it ready to read.
Now, let’s get on with the story.
The main plot, I think, it kinda did seem to want to draw it all
out like a soap, though there were a lot of fights, a lot of talk, something
different. Which was good, it didn’t make you think it was taking forever threw
the whole book, just the middle part when the author seemed to have to wait for
something and didn’t want to skip a few weeks.
The plot is to kill demons, and more so keep Yuki alive because
him dead means the end of the war that’s about to come upon the world, and
like, really, people, it’s about Yuki, so without him the whole world is
doomed. And, so, of course, he’s here now, and everyone knows about him and is
after him.
There’s also something fishy going on with the head dude, but I
have a feeling (and sorry if this is a spoiler, but I really don’t know) that
he’s ‘betrayal’ is going to be played as something that’s you think will be a
lot harsher than it truly is. I feel that when it comes to things, that it’s
going to be this dude and the main enemy dude fighting, or something. That’s my
feeling. Like it’s them, and they are using all they can on their side to win.
But I could be wrong—I’ve only read 2 volumes 1 volume.
But as it is the plot line is still a little vague. You have to
guess if you want to step outside of the books and really think about it (like
I am now) and whether that’ll change is not something I feel confident about.
But it’s most defiantly about a war between Earth and the
Or more so…..
The Glou clan: a lineage
possessing special abilities through the generations.
They are
all reborn from there last selves when they are needed for this fight they are
Duras: the Infernus word for “demon”.
The characters that we meet threw this book
o He’s a doe eyes (really, it’s the way you know
him from two of the other characters) innocent who has the ability to ‘feel’
other people’s emotions, to see parts of their past, and to heal others (though
this has a huge cost)
o He his past life comes with some surprises—one
that he used to be a she and the other….
Crossazeria aka Zess
o He’s a Duras who turned good for Yuki—the old
Yuki, and he sees her in him, or the soul. Really it’s a little weird. And the
feel like with him that there wasn’t going to be a whole lot said, the whole ‘mystery’
thing surrounding him and all
o He has a dragon, Sodom, which comes as a cute
little thing that attached to Yuki, which is cute and a little predictable all
Murasame (her)
Mursame (him)
§ This is one of the guys in the group that look
like Yuki, only kinder.
o They are siblings, they are paired (each
person has a pair that match their powers, making them together a more powerful
o They are the first you see from the group that
Yuki will go into. The guy can talk to animal, which is the cool. But that’s
about all we got into it
o The chick, the older sister, well, she’s that feisty,
yell at everyone female.
o He comes into the books claiming to be Yuki
older brother and wanting to take him (which he does) to his home in Toyko.
o This dude is the head of the group, and he’s
powerful. But there is a weird variation of doubt and secrets that cover this
cover which makes him just as mysterious as Luka. Only he’s hardly in the
picture, and where Luka is more moody mysterious, Kanata has an evilish twist
to the whole story (though I’m…weary of following it. it doesn’t sound right
for evil).
Shikibe, his
(The people at Twilight Hall)—sorry if I got
these names wrong
Giou, the Steward
Aya Kureha,
Fujiwara, doctor
Tooma, chef
And last but not least….
Shuusei Usui
o These two are a pair.
o Hotsuma, hates Yuki, though it’s a little
shaky and there’s reasons behind it, we just don’t know them at the moments. There’s
also the fact that he’s power is fire, and he’s got a temper that ties with that.
o (he is also the other dude that looks like
Yuki, but meaner)
o We really didn’t learn that much about either.
Only that there’s some sort of relationship there, it’s close and a little misunderstood
(for us, it’s clear they understand it, and it’s more about what the other
thinks, or something….) and it will be interesting to see where it goes. ‘Cause
it has to right?
Anyway, that’s them, but we are just coming into the house. We are
just learning more about Yuki and Luka, there hasn’t really been all that much
time for anything else. It seemed once things settled, it was all the author
was doing was setting up for the next volume, so….
I hope this was informative, and that you are able to conduct your
own thoughts, on whether or not you would enjoy reading it. I can understand
after if you’re a little hesitant because I don’t have a lot of thoughts or
opinions on it in the way of liking it. It made it a little hard to highlight
those great points.
But it wasn’t a bad read. It went quick even though it did drag,
you weren’t completely aware of it until you looked back.
Saying this, two volumes in, 11 chapters’ stories and I’m
still undecided. Though, maybe that’s ‘cause I have volume 2 to read so my mind
doesn’t have to come to the conclusion straight away.
When we continues...

And when the shadowy figure of “Reiga,” the nemesis of the Giou, finally steps into the light, will Yuki find himself utterly alone, crushed by the weight of the truth?
available Now!
I have just
finished volume 2
If you wish for a
review on that please ask, otherwise I don’t see when I will, or if I’ll put
one up for this book
Updated: 10/Feb/13
Okay, there were a few
stuff-ups that I just realised with the review above.
The one that’s stuck in my
head and causing me all sorts of trouble that it just shouldn’t be, is the fact
that Yuki’s power is to heal, he’s the soul of the Zweilt’s, and more so he has
the ability to see peoples past. What hurt them, what made them happy—just general
snippets into their lives.
The next two volumes are good.
They go deeper into the relationship between Shuusei and Hotsuma, which had a
fully feel to it at the end of these volumes.
It’s was a lot better and had
me wanting to the next and so on. Especially with the end. With the quick
meeting of the two new members and the beginning of recovered memories and why
Yuki didn’t have his like the other had.
So yeah, more debts in the
characters. But mostly there about Hotsuma and Shuusei, which give great
mention into the fact that this could be a going thing, which hopefully the
next will dive into the other pairs as the series progresses. Which would be
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