Friday 10 January 2014

Taking a Step into the Reader in Me

Hey, so, I often talk about this side of me, but it’s in a way that always reflect on why I decided to write this, or go this way. Because as a reader I get annoyed/enjoy a certain way, and so as an author I tend to bend to my reader.
This may change when I get fans because what they want will be highlighted more than what the reader in me wants.
So, as per uses I have come to that point in the end of year things where I look at the numbers of my books, so that at the end I can calculate what I’ve done and why.
I own
·         1,094 books
o   312 in paperback
o   782 in ebook     (99% of these books are in the mm genre)
I would have a lot more but I have had several big sweeps of my paperback shelves, giving away (mostly to friends, or family) of the books I wouldn’t read again, or hadn’t, and wasn’t looking like I was gonna)
What’s left to read
·         271 books
o   36 in paperback
o   235 in ebook
Which really should tell me that I should stop buying books that I’m not going to immediately read until I finish what I have, but… well…
Anyway. Here’s a few highlights from the reader in me: heterosexual side (I’m too new in the mm world, and it still grips me so I’ll buy, read, want a shit load of them)

I still buy the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter books, and I will continue to do so until the UK stop bring  them out in the red cover.
And I’m also waiting for when she goes hunting with Edward and his boy. Not sure if it’s actually going to happen, but fuck I hope it does (and if I stop buying them, and that one comes out…I’m getting it)
I also still read the Dark-Hunter series, because I’m waiting, oh, gods above I’m waiting for Jaden’s story and I hope she doesn’t bend and put a fucking woman in there, but I don’t have high hopes for the opposite happening.
And also interesting in Thorn, but it’s taking a while to get back into this series, mostly because she’s sorta started all over again, and with that comes new words and rules and man character, which you have to slowly learn to love, but it’s coming along.
The same goes with the Black Dagger Brotherhood, and though I’m interested in one of the books that are to come, all that are highlighted now are too similar to the ones we have already read, so I’m not sure if I’ll be bothered after the next book.
The Fallen Angel series had gript me, and I’m sure it will again, only I’m finding it hard to pick up the next book. Why oh, why did she have to kill off Edward? And I so hope that she’ll bring him back, only I have no hope in it happening any time soon, if at all.
and is it just me, but does the cover of The King remind anyone else of Eric from True Blood. I'm not completely sure why, but it's not just the shape of the model, it's the pose of him in the big chair trying to act all mob boss that has me thinking it too.
Lords of the Underworld, I will read until they get to Williams story, since that’s probably going to be after all the Lords get there’s done, and then I’m over it. The series is already starting to annoy me, with the outside characters getting more page time then the two main ones, and the story lines are too played out, so by the time you get to their tales you’re already over it.
The Leopard People series will interest me again if she comes out of that family and tells someone else’s story, maybe, like Jason, because there characters I have been waiting no know more about for ages and then she gave him a book.
Oh, and I can’t wait for the next Belador story to come out. I’m still loving it *smiles* Demon Storm
So, there’s what I’m still gonna buy in the man on girl universe. It’s strange and though I probably won’t read them for a while now, I’ll still buy them for the reason above. I’ll get to the eventually, so, it’s worth it?!

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