All right people, it’s official, my third week at
this and I’ve realised that it’s just the same every week. Which I actually
like, it makes things a lot easier to deal with, and to know what to expect. Saying
this I will still be heading over once a week to make sure nothing pops up that
I need to know.
So, it’s about love, forever love and it’s about
sex, hotness and finally it’s a 7 game. Words, paragraphs, sentences.
Saying this, like always click here for the link up,
to see what’s meant to happen and who else is participating. I hope you enjoy
Erg! 7 paragraphs aren’t enough, not for this
moment, not for me, but I hope it works and that it has you wanting more. This
is coming out of my NA free contemporary romance about two kids and life. This
moment is there first kiss, and though I would have liked to do it all, I only
took out the last part, it’s just not enough, it doesn’t convey this story
Hot breath and a tender kiss froze up Jimmy’s
insides. His head had cleared to a buzzing that seemed to ring between his
ears, however hard he tried to pay no heed to it.
This wasn’t anything different. Not the kiss. It was
Kevin’s normal way of getting Jimmy to let go of himself; to let go of the
worry and the weight that he seemed to always hold on his shoulders.
This time, it was different somehow, however, and it
changed them completely. Since his lips just didn’t leave. The pressure seemed
to get harder, and Jimmy wasn’t sure if it was from his side or Kevin’s. It
took only a second for wetness to leave a slight slickness on Jimmy’s lips as
Kevin took over everything, as if he always did, and made Jimmy realise what
he’d truly been missing when Kate had kissed him.
What he’d been missing in his life, full stop.
Tongue and tongue caressed each other inside Jimmy’s
mouth, before taking a short trip into Kevin’s, and then back. Jimmy really
wasn’t one to be in charge, but that didn’t mean Kevin was all powerful. He was
considerate to a fault—when it came to Jimmy.

They had pulled away, their lips still glistening from
the kiss. Their eyes were glazed. Something deep and soft that Jimmy felt down
to his toes, came up, to reflect the
feeling from deep inside his heart, or maybe that was his stomach—or his balls,
they sure as hell tingled in a way that screamed “notice me!”
You want more go click here, yeah plainly promoting,
but it’s FREE, it’s sweet, it’s romantic, and it’s short. It may not be the
best edited story I’ve put out, but it’s the most loved and meaningful thing I
have written to date.
That’s me done, hope to see you guys next week
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