Title: A Place to Belong
Publisher: Amber Allure
Release Date: September 20, 2015
Genre: M/M Romance
Heat Level: 4
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 20,000 words
Links: Amber Allure
Logan Perry was offered
a job caring for an elderly lady a thousand miles from his home in Iowa.
Looking for a place to hide, it seems to be the perfect opportunity to escape.
So Logan runs to Texas. All he wants is a roof over his head and food in his stomach.
So moving into the amazing McFarren Manor he believes is all he needs.
Bradley McFarren is
only looking for someone to care for his aging grandmother. Too busy with the
family multi-billion dollar real estate firm, he just doesn't have time. With
no personal life to speak of, Bradley has kept his heart safe. As long as Gail,
his beloved grandmother, is cared for, he thinks it's all he needs.
But what both their
hearts truly desire is a place to belong.
So begins the journey
of a love that will not be denied; a love bigger than the state of Texas.
Character interview with Bradley McFarren from “A
Place to Belong”
My grandmother would
call me a workaholic and she’s probably right. I do spend most of my waking
hours dealing with McFarren Properties.
Are you married?
Oh no. I vowed early
on I would never subject a family to what this business can do to one.
What do you mean?
Like I said, I spend
most of my time working on either putting a deal together, working on a pending
transaction or trying to handle a crisis of some kind. I just don’t have time
for a family. I have enough trouble finding time to see my Grandmother.
What is McFarren Properties?
well, let me see, how do I put this? We buy and sell real estate all over the
world, I guess, is the easiest way to say it. Some of them we keep and manage
but most we broker off as soon as we acquire them.
Sounds exciting.
It was at one time.
I’m kind of tired of it these days.
Are you regretful you
don’t have a child or children to hand the business down to so that you could
Well, I’m only 45 at
the moment so I really don’t want to think about retirement yet. But in answer
to your question, no. I am not at all regretful I do not have children. I
wouldn’t have known them, just like I didn’t know my dad. This business took
him away from my mom and me, too, and likewise, his dad away from him. I needed
to break the cycle. That’s why I chose the lifestyle I did.
Sounds rather lonely. Do you date?
I have in the past.
Not now? How come?
I… I’m not really sure.
I used to see a few women off and on. We would go to dinner or dancing,
something to break up the monotony of my life. Going to a restaurant alone is
just too pathetic. But now… I don’t know. I don’t feel the need. Instead I
hurry to McFarren Manor whenever I can. It’s where I feel most at ease, calm. I
can honestly forget about life when I’m there.
You’re very close to your Grandmother.
Yes. But that’s not
all of it. I hired a nurse about three years ago. A man. A gay man by the name of Logan Perry. (Laughs) He is a joy to both my grandmother and me. He’s funny,
bright, efficient. He even runs the house although that was not his original
job. Simply taking care of Gail was plenty but I guess in order to do that he
felt he needed to take over the entire house.
Has that been an issue with the other staff?
Oh no, not at all.
They all love him. Every one of them. They would do anything for him and I have
to admit, I probably would, too.
A gay man, you said? How does that work? Does he date?
(Narrows eyes, rubs chin) No. I don’t think so. I… I’ve never asked
him, though, so…
Would that bother you?
That he dates? I… I’m
not sure. I think it would. But… I’m not sure why.
How is your grandmother?
Unfortunately, she
has a very serious cancer which originally we thought we took care of with
surgery. When it came back, she refused all treatment.
So she’s not doing well?
We are all just
taking it one day at a time. I try to get there as often as I can. In fact, I
received a summons from her so I am headed there right after this interview.
A summons? Sounds serious.
Not sure. She said
she has something she needs to discuss with me. (Laughs)
What? Why are you laughing?
She told me she was
going to shock me.
Shock you?
Yes. She had
something to tell me. Something she said I should have figured out three years
ago but I’m too stubborn.
Three years ago? Isn’t that when you hired Logan?
(Eyes go wide)
Yeah, it is. Weird. Anyway, I need to get going. I don’t want to keep Gail waiting.
I certainly would like to know what it is she’s planning on
telling you.
Oh wow. So do I. So
do I.
Author Bio

Other books by Hurri Cosmo:
West Was Won
Superior Jewel
Dragon Tales (contains the first two books in the
series, The Servant Prince and The Servant King)
Elixir (Book one in the Dragon for Hire series)
Door Keeper
Amber Moon (Part of the Intoxicating Fantasies series)
and Capture
Think it Over
Astral Mage (Book one of The Captains of the Wolf)
Believe Now (Until You, #2)
Creek Ranch
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9/22 - Bayou Book Junkie
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