Title: Circle of Change
Publisher: Torquere Press
Release Date: Previously released in 2009
Heat Level: 4
Pairing: M/M
Length: 66,000 words
Genre/Tags: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Trans, Inspirational Romance
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Life is hard for Kim, struggling with homophobia at school in his senior year, and with loneliness as he journeys to adulthood. Dash, a young gay college student, is on a journey too, looking for a spiritual teacher. Their paths cross when Dash joins the coven Kim’s mother, Helen, belongs to, and the attraction between them is immediate and mutual. But Kim is not the person Dash thinks he is, and the truth is more than Dash can deal with. Can Dash apply the lessons he’s learning in the circle to the rest of his life, and accept Kim?Excerpt
Kim stood in front of the full-length mirror in his bedroom and looked hard at himself. The whole preppy look worked well on his body. He was too slight and short to do athletic or plaid, too dainty-boned to do leather. Tidy collars and V- necked sweaters were the right look. He undid the buttons of his shirt and took it off, and frowned. The white T-shirt underneath the shirt hid most things. He unzipped his chinos and let them fall to his bare feet, leaving him standing in Calvin Klein stretch boxers and T-shirt. Still acceptable. Off came the T-shirt, revealing nipples too close together and too large. Boxers... Kim pulled Boris, made of chamois and foam, out of his boxers, and rolled them down. It hurt to look at himself like this, so broken and incomplete: smooth triangle of pubic hair, hipbones jutting out, tiny breasts. Despair welled up, and longing, and Kim wrapped his bathrobe around himself and sat on the bed to cry. If he could stay dressed forever, it might just be possible to get through this, but showers were unbearable. He would have to be a very grubby gay boy. And a celibate one.Purchase
Torquere Press
Meet the Author
Laney lives in a queer commune with three of her favourite people and two of her favourite dogs. When not writing, she teaches university students about apostrophes, scientific methodology and visual culture. In her spare time she photographs fjords and works on being kinder. Laney is the author of several books, including Bad Case of Loving You.Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads
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