Thursday, 13 October 2011

What I’ve learnt

About sex...

Here’s the thing, most of the time writing is so simple you can’t believe you had ever had to struggle. You have your characters; you have the setting, the things you want to happen between them. For me, the conversation comes out of nothing; I can’t think on conversations, they just have to flow. But then you get to a point, you want to put something in but, and here’s the kicker, you need it to actually make sense, or maybe it’s more that you want it to have a real life hold to it, and so then comes research.

That’s the thing that I have been up against for the last couple of months, I want to write an adults romances novel. And yeah, you think, no sweat it’s all about falling in love fast and forever, making sure there’s something in it that hits the readers hearts, and more so sex.
 [spliced this because of context]


Yeah, it’s there, a lot, and it’s not that I don’t know what’s happening when it comes to sex, and it’s not just because I have two kids—really, you could have a hundred kids and still not now all that much about the topic. But with me and well, I believe a lot of people, it’s all one sided, I know what it feels like for me to have someone play with my bits, what it feels like to run my hands across heated flesh, what.... yeah, let’s not go into what I like in the bedroom, but I don’t know everything. Even reading, I take in what I need, and still, I feel as if I don’t know enough (and I can be a very active porn watcher, if it’s there)

It’s not that it bothers me, or that I don’t know what’s happening around me. I also know that I have to make sex very different for all types of characters—another thing I don’t know about, I only know sex the way I like it. Okay, that’s not true, but it’s there, and for the most, the three main characters I’m working on at the moment have very different personalities and even more so sex lives. And so the sex with them has to be different.

So I went researching, and not in a porn style type of research, more so in a biological, Wikipedia type of way, and being that the reason that I created this blog (okay, after I realised I liked talking to people that didn’t listen) was to show you the steps I go through with writing a book, and this is one of them.

So this is what I found...

  • That a female can have an orgasm by just the thoughts in her brain.

I’m not real sure how true this is, never done it before, my stupid brain has enough trouble logging off when I’m actually having sex, there’s no way it would turn off enough to just let my brain do all the work. But it’s one of the coolest things I have learnt through this whole thing.

  •   That the... (cherry), is actually a line of blooded flesh that can heal itself, so though they use it to see if you are still a virgin, if you don’t have sex for a long time it will heal itself back up. And it’s more that it’s stretches violently more than tears.

I thinks that’s what it was all about, sorry if I have got it wrong, really I don’t mean to fuck you around with the research, but that’s what I got from that bit of information.

And sad to say, that’s all I learnt when it comes to sex, the real live shit that’s mostly no one cares about, and honestly did I really need to learn this shit? no. I learnt more by reading romances, and even more when it comes to the whole....yeah, nothing I could learn out of a textbook (yeah, internet one, but still, same diff) that I hadn’t already gotten a heads on.

Sex is passion and it’s all about being in the mood when writing it. Like anything else really, if you’re not into the scene then it falls flat on the page and even more so on the brains of those that are reading it, which evidently makes the think crap. Which is probably what all my writing is. But hey, we’ll see what’s what.

       That’s it
Thanks for your time.

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