Sunday 6 November 2011

It only took a year!!!!!

But last night (the 5th of Nov) I went to the Kings of Leon concert at the Allphones arena in Olympic park.

And it was fucking awesome! So awesome that my mind goes a little crazy just thinking ‘bout it!!! So so sooooooo awesome, it was.... yeah!! *scream (like 12yr old cheerleaders*
Anyway, we got there early enough to get a spot near the electronic box where they do sound and all that shit (it’s in the middle) it also let us get the plastic rise that hid all the wires and shit under it—putting us an inch or 2 higher than normal, which was nice because we were with a chick who is like 5’3.

So being that early let us have a good bit of people watching to entertain us before the first band came on. Band of Houses, they were average—sounding like all other people. So nothing that really got a rise, at least from me. Though they did look like a bunch of people you wouldn’t want to meet in an underground car park.

So we had one wrist bands so that whenever we went to the toilet (that had a walk in so long that my sister said it went for miles (like twelve steps)) or the bar—not that they checked for id at all, just saying. But still it was because we had to get be on the floor, not the seats.

Yep, we were in the most pit (love saying that) and it was awesome, though near the end, like when it went silent but before the...the...fuck I forgot the name of, you know when you call for more....? Anyway, that’s my brain for you. My legs went dead on me, mostly because I would spend most of my time I was on the balls of my feet on the lips of the plastic thing we stood on.

Well, look at me, bitching about nothing.

When the music played nothing mattered but the music...

It was great; I loved every minute of it. Loved how everyone sang (in time) with them, especially the good ones, the BIG ones. It was just so great the way...just awesome. I can’t say, really, can’t. This was my first big concert I have been to, and the first one that I knew all the songs word for word. And that made it so much better than when you know it all, when you can sing along to them all, when you love them all. It was fucking great. Great!

It’s something that everyone should do once, and though it’s taken me a long time to get there (mostly because my fav artist when I was a teen was Eminem (and rap in general) and you couldn’t go to his concert if you were under 18 (I was sixteen) and after that he got banded for Australia. But enough said, this was my first big one. Even more so I’m so grateful that Kings of Leon was it, and that was on the floor. Really awesome.

  Thanks for your time

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