Friday 6 January 2012

My small plans

It has always been in my head that I would review my big series just before the new ones came out. Its how I had thought to do it well, and to make the one I’m up against something different, but I always thought that I would just bulk review it when I had my hands on the next book in the series.

But then I stumbled onto a blog that was going to be doing a book review thing, I’m really not sure what it’s called anymore, but I got interested—mostly because I’m a fan of the context they are going to be reading. But I thought it a good idea, since I have 3 major series that I wanted to get out and review for you all, and so I’m going to be doing that, along with a few others that are also coming out, and I haven’t quite posted their old books reviews, even though I really wanted to.

My thoughts, and I don’t have many, is as followed.....

·         Every Friday over on either DarkFaerietales or LiteraryEscapism, they are going to be doing a discussion things about the Black Dagger Brotherhood series (I think because they haven’t read then just or something, really you’d have to check them out to really find out) so on that Friday---I’m not sure if I’ll post it before I look or after and link it up through this or, have a bit of discuss on my review (I’m thinking post it, and then look onto there’s).
So, yeah, every Friday I’ll be posting a review of each of the Black Dagger Brotherhood’s 9 books, and then when I get my hands on the last, that too. Along with them!
·         Every Wednesday, from next week, I’m going to be doing a review from the 20 Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series
·         Every Monday from 13/March/12 I’m going to be doing a review on the 11 books from the Sookie Stackhouse series.
·         I’ll be throwing in old reviews from books I’m most looking forward to getting, but they only have one or two new ones, so I might review them a lot closer to when I get the next book. (there isn’t actually that many of these ones, mostly because I’ve already done this last year as well, so there are only the beginning of the year ones to go. Yeah!
·         I have a book to be reviewed at the end of the month for the Old Book on the Shelf (or something like that) challenge that I have signed myself up for.
·         And there will also be my annual, Friday and Saturday reads that I do anyway, because that’s the only time that I can read a new book (the ones above will all be re-read, just so you know). Or if I manage to read something during the week then I will do that too.
·         I’m also hoping to get a few different manga’s to read (my sister and her boyfriend have a small collection and I’ve been encouraged to read them as well) along with the ones that come out—but I think they only come out, like, 3 monthly or something, I’m not too sure, but I’ll read them.
Anyway, that’s my books reviewing crap for at least the first half of 2012.

By the way have I told you my 3 New Years revolutions yet? No, ha, well, they are pretty simple...
1.      Is to finish at least the first full draft of as many books as I can—min 10.

Mostly this is because I have to start work in 2014, and so in 2013, I’m going to go to tafe and get some sort of qualification under my belt (I’m looking into, either sales, or secretary, shit—nothing that is a ‘full time’ job, even when it’s full time.

I know that I want to be a writer, and even more so that I can have it as my day job, even if I wrote a best seller, as if I could, really. But writing the first full length draft is the hardest part—thinking wise, you have to come up with what’s going to happen threw the story, the different plots. What the characters are like, how long this, or that, is going to take. Whereas the second draft, even though that one’s got much more finger to keyboard writing, there isn’t anything to really think about, not really, just a refining of info, characters and all that shit. so I want to have a pile of books reading for a real write threw by the end of the year, so that when I work there isn’t all that much I still have to do.

At least that’s the plan so far.

2.      I want to connect into the reviewer, or book world, blog style and even though I follow a fair few I’m not really that great at getting evolved with things or leaving comments and all that, which sucks, but I’m kinda shy and it’s much easier to battle that fear when there’s people in your face then it is when there’s not. And behind a computer, no ones in your face.

3.      And.....3, uh, shit I forgot. Hell, maybe there were only 2?! No, I really do remember there being 3,

Oh, yeah, that’s right. I want to go to courses, but we already knew this shit about me, so it wasn’t really a resolution, not when you make at the beginning of the last year. Oh, well, it’s what I want to do.

Well, that’s all from me
Thanks for the time

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