So this one I was going to talk about the way its draw and the fight
scene are because they are another reason I like the series. But first we
should recap a little, or at least catch up to place.
has a new power level. It’s great, but it can have some funny drawbacks if he
uses it to much.
2. The
bounties of the crew are in: Luffy 300 million Berries. Zolo 120 million
Berries. Robin 80 million Berries. Nami 16 million Berries. Usopp 30 million
Berries. Chopper 50 Berries. Sanji (picture not included) 77 million
Berries. Franky 44 million Berries.
learnt why Robin is like she is—not that her mannerism will change, only her
will to live! But we got her back and so she’s here to stay (not that is was a
surprise, but like Nami, her story had to come out before she could really
enjoy being a crew member)
5. We have
a new ship, yeah; the Merry Go lost
her battle and went out in a tear-filled goodbye. But now they have a HUGE
ship with all the trimmings they dreamed of having (like a fist tank and a lock
of the fridge). It’s called the THOUSAND SUNNY.
7. we meet Brook, the skelonton crew member who's a wizz with insturments and a sword. he comes in with a bounty of 33 million berries.
That’s it I think.... yeah, that’s it.
So, I really like this book because even though the pictures are detailed
they are also simple in a way that make you recognises everyone from a simple
blurred pic. It also makes the fighting a whole lot of whirls and twirls on the
square, and even though it can get confusing it’s more because of how wrapped up
you are in the fight sequence that your mind is running as fast as the squares
look like they are going.
It’s really cool to when in the middle of fights they start to bicker
between each other, or they come up with something, or they think something is
cool. And it annoys the person(s) they are battling with. It’s really fun and
it lets huge battle scene have something different and break them all up, or
even reconnects the characters back together.
More so, Zolo and Sanji are the best when they are together in a
battle—though the last one, in Water Seven when Zolo and Usopp were locked
together was funny. Sanji and Zolo are, I think, too much alike and so they can
never actually get a long and it’s like such a defeat that they have to rely on
each other when it comes to fighting, and because of that it’s funny, mostly
because they are undefeatable when they work together.
which reminds me of a part back in...oh, I forget, when they were battling the Foxy Crew and Sanji and Zolo where on the same team--the ball team, and being that one of them had to be the ball. not only did they fight about the fact that Zolo just said Sanji was the ball, but they also played rock papper sissors for it. that one was the best, you had a pic of the three big guys they were going up against, and there's them two trying to figure out who the ball was going to be.
I really think it makes the whole show run a lot better, you get a bit of comic releif while they battle, because there battles can be long being as they actually have to fight these people that are better then them, and there's never a time when anything is washed over, yeah, they win, but it cost them a lot.
I don't particually have all that much left to say. but I will say this, the sad crap that happens in the volumes are as sad for you as it is for them, because of the way he writes, the story telling, is so great, and the pictures, though detailed they are also simple enough that it makes thing go fast and smooth. you get lost in the world of One Piece so much that it becomes you breath for the time you have you noise in the books. they are brilliant and Oda is a briliant man for creating such a great comic, and one that seems to translate so well into the different languages (there are some things out there that don't and the whole time your reading them all you want to do is learn the real language so that you can full understand--this isn't one of them)
you can't escape the world of One Piece and you don't particually want to.
the next time I talk wont be for a while seeing as we are finally caught up to the Japanese crowd, (at least when I review(ish) my next lot of One Piece so it may take a while to get there, but I think I'll talk about the islands and creatures of One Piece or maybe the bad guys of the volumes.
til them,
which reminds me of a part back in...oh, I forget, when they were battling the Foxy Crew and Sanji and Zolo where on the same team--the ball team, and being that one of them had to be the ball. not only did they fight about the fact that Zolo just said Sanji was the ball, but they also played rock papper sissors for it. that one was the best, you had a pic of the three big guys they were going up against, and there's them two trying to figure out who the ball was going to be.
I really think it makes the whole show run a lot better, you get a bit of comic releif while they battle, because there battles can be long being as they actually have to fight these people that are better then them, and there's never a time when anything is washed over, yeah, they win, but it cost them a lot.
I don't particually have all that much left to say. but I will say this, the sad crap that happens in the volumes are as sad for you as it is for them, because of the way he writes, the story telling, is so great, and the pictures, though detailed they are also simple enough that it makes thing go fast and smooth. you get lost in the world of One Piece so much that it becomes you breath for the time you have you noise in the books. they are brilliant and Oda is a briliant man for creating such a great comic, and one that seems to translate so well into the different languages (there are some things out there that don't and the whole time your reading them all you want to do is learn the real language so that you can full understand--this isn't one of them)
you can't escape the world of One Piece and you don't particually want to.
the next time I talk wont be for a while seeing as we are finally caught up to the Japanese crowd, (at least when I review(ish) my next lot of One Piece so it may take a while to get there, but I think I'll talk about the islands and creatures of One Piece or maybe the bad guys of the volumes.
til them,
Thanks for your time
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