Monday, 25 February 2013

Conversation Starters

Or, you know, just hearing myself talk

This is something new I’m working on (meaning: bear with me, I’ll get it right, eventually) where once a week/fortnight/month (most likely the latter) I talk (bitch, whine) about something that gets me thinking, to get you thinking, maybe just get your feedback/fired up enough/discussing/telling me how wrong I am (just please leave the whys, I actually like to know, understand the whys behind it).

It’s nothing new, just a different name for the many memes out there but this one’s all me. this one is about things that are important, or not so much that have no real impact or no real meaning but I like to talk, I like to argue, debate, annoy the piss outta someone until they blow up in my face, it’s how you learn what you need to about other people in one night.
Yeah, I’m a love me or hate me personality, forgive me, but I can’t seem to give a shit, I actually like who I am.

 This first one I’m giving you is fresh in my head since… well, you’ll see.

#3, Bad Guys in TV shows: are they meant to be arrogant? Or stupid for our sake?
“Some idiot smuggled a Koala onto a submarine.”
              --Gibbs, NCIS, session 7, ep.1

I’ve been watching NCIS (okay, so when I started writing this I was watching NCIS) because I learnt that my sisters BFF that now lives with her has all the seasons where as I only have up to 6 (yeah I can’t remember now why I stopped watching it, but there was a reason and even as I’m watching them I realised that I can’t remember why?—thinking, I think it had something to do with them going to kill someone off, then not, but maybe….???)
Not the point.
At the end of series 7 (and if you haven’t watched any of the series then you are gonna get a little confused ‘cause you need to know and I’m not going to get right into the whole thing. No lead ups.) they have this set story that takes us back to before the series begins and yet about series 4 (I think) where we learn about Gibbs’ past where we learn about his family and Gibbs killing some Mexican drug lord ‘cause he was the dude that killed them.
Anyway, we get these sets, that the politician—some high dude, I think is meant to be like ambassador, of ruler of the place, I’m not sure I wasn’t listening, which is quite back ‘cause I’ve decided to write this up. (Yeah, we can all see how these are going to go—worse is I’ve been watching it a second time, and I’s still not sure who the fuck he is). So this storyline came out—hell, it’s the whole series is about really, but it’s these last three episodes (and you’ll have to wait for me to get series 8 to find out what’s happening) that really have my head tilted in a ‘huh?’ mode.
Anyway, I think I’m digressing, but I’m actually not real sure.
So, we get to the point where this cold case goes through NCIS world and Gibbs’ finds himself back in the past, or at least in a place where he has to go back. And he’s sitting with the kids of the dude he killed (this is the second last ep.). One of them being this president, or whatever the fuck he is, and his sister (the balls) who is running daddies old business and they are going on about how Gibbs’ is going to be there puppet or they are going to go and start killing off all the people he loves and works with.
Now I got it, it’s American they are pushing this in the light of Americans are bomb, nothing wrong with that, it’s an American show, right? But really….
The thing is, and what’s really got me all me, is that she’s all like ‘I’m the big bomb bitch and I can do all this because if you don’t do what I say I’m going to kill all these people’ –NOW WAIT, this is the point that I’m shaking my head out, ‘cause REALLY—but has she really not thought about the ramification of killing NCIS agents?
Okay, so even if we take out the fact that America doesn’t know about the fact that this highly powerful man in the government but this woman—bitch, and that’s what they are making her, the wicked bitch over the border. Anyway, she’s all going on about killing American federal agents, which really means that she’s giving the Navy/Army the rights to go in and take out this whole Mexico drug cartel, which is something they would really like, and something that this government boy couldn’t really say much about. What’s there reason for not wanting rid of the gangs?
And if they don’t, well there American’s, they’ll just go in ops and take the fucker out anyway, wouldn’t they? I’m not saying its bad; it’s more an Army thing, isn’t it? So what are they really doing? What are they going to gain if Gibbs doesn’t do what they say?
And even more so, if we put in the fact that at the end of season 7 we have the wicked bitch flipping the close sign on old man Gibbs’ shop window. What do they think Gibbs’ would do if he’s father is hurt in anyway, roll over and show his belly? He’s a fucking snipper who killed a very power drug cartel leader and was never caught. It’s like they didn’t actually think: Why did this man, this no one in the world shot daddy? Did they think he was innocent? That he wouldn’t have had a reason when clearly Gibbs taunted them with a left shell casing.
Bethels me.
It actually reminds me of Criminal Minds, season 6 where the Irish dudes come back from Prentiss past and he’s all like, ‘I have no quarrel with your people, but if they interfere I will take them all out’ and then goes ahead and starts killing people in Washington, in a way that was out of the ordinary and clearly all connected together and then when they (Irish evil) have her in the chair and realise the FBI are there (when they are in Boston) he’s all like, ‘They weren’t meant to be here,’ like Prentiss could stop that shit. And then goes on to saying that they left no evident leading to them.
Are they truly arrogant enough to believe the crap they are saying, when clearly they have because we’ve watched then collect it all? And more so aren’t these people meant to have run massive operations that were only shut down because they had people infiltrating, not because they fucked up in any real way (you know other than allowing there dicks to pull them in the wrong direction) but they come to these points and it’s like there dumb as shit. Or are they meant to be portrayed as arrogant having them not see things properly. Things that they would have seen otherwise?
Anyway it’s something that’s annoying me at the moment, though and I’m sure it will move on with me as we go into season 8 of NCIS (which I will be talking about below, may  as well end the thing).
Now, I was actually going to take the time and see what happened, and let you know my thoughts on this when the next season came up. But time line (and the fact that I have like five of these topic things up and nearly ready to go) and really, I don’t want to coppy Jenny Troup with doing a scene by scene things happening.
It was just this….people really! What are we meant to think about this? what are we meant to see? I’m guessing that we aren’t really meant to think this deep into anything, it’s not really something that happens with TV shows is it. you lose yourself unless you meant to interact, and crime shows, well, you aren’t, not really, you get everything shown to you and all that crap. But really….?
Maybe I think too much. But I just don’t understand it, and it pisses me off, and it ruins the whole storyline just because they have done this thing with their bad guys. But is it that they are arrogant and think what they are saying is true. But more so, why isn’t Gibbs saying—actually that one I get, really, they did well with Gibbs’ they did great with giving him Vance and that relationship, but the wicked bitch? Really? Are they meant to be that stupid? Are they meant to have been jumping in without thinking, really thinking?
It’s annoying and it’s been annoying me a lot longer than it should. And I’m just going to let it go now that I have it off my chest. Unless you want to know more, tell us, and I’ll update it with my thoughts on season 8!!!
To prove my love of crime shows (I’m not that high on movies, I’ll watch them, but…) I’ve decided to keep you a little longer and list, say a few words on the shows I watch—which is pretty much all I watch.
·         Castle
o   I just love it, all the series; all the…it’s just great. Kinda a fan
·         Criminal Minds
o   the spin-off on that sucked balls, it was okay, I guess, but there was something missing that made it…bad
·         The Closer
o   What can I say; I actually really love this one. There’s something about her. From the moment she walks into that office and starts throwing out the forms for transfer I’ve loved it, and that team. Which is really weird ‘cause she’s quite a high mantences woman and they normally piss me off, but with her. The way they have written her… it just works.
·         Veronica Mars
o   But who doesn’t like this sassy high school detective! Though I did only catch the whole series when it hit DVD, too young to get it on telly.
·         UK Sherlock Homes
o   Fuck it’s awesome!!

Something New
·         Mr & Mrs Murder
o   It’s a new Australian murder mystery show but this one has a comic twist. And it has some promise, but I’m not keeping my hopes up we’ve had some boring ones in the past (like Homicide, I think it was called, I watched one, maybe two seasons of that before it tampered off)
o   –you know what really gets this season, what really makes it different and yet the same as all the others? They are crime scene cleaners, how fucking awesome is that?!

The ones I watch when they are on
·      CSI (the original, Miami & NY)
o   There was one time that I watched a whole series of Miami, and it’s still my favourite but they are all the same, and slightly different.
·         Rezzoli and Isles
o   It actually grows on you, like fancy mould
·         SCI: Criminal Intent
o   I loved this one; it was awesome, even when what’s his face had that meltdown. Very cool show.
·         Cold Case
o   Which is somewhat cool, but always missed it so I never got really caught up on the characters, the same with the Mentalist, but that’s more a never started it, so half way through…what’s the dynamics between them all?

Use to watch but don’t anymore
·         NCIS &
o   Is actually pretty cool. The four main character work together and the writer make it something fresh, new and yet…the same
·         Bones
o   I just got over the whole love lust shit they had going on, it annoyed me. I left, I think in the series of, or the one just after the artist wedding when they found out she was still married (yeah, that one was the last series I watched)
·         Grimm
o   This one was not thought out well. I watched a few episodes before I just couldn’t take it anymore. It’s like they have gotten a fantasy writer to write a murder mystery and they just can’t do it. they can’t get the fantasy, the fable to work with the interlocking that a crime writer can do to make a series work to make you need to watch because you’ve fallen in love with the MC’s that solve the crimes. Its just not there, that element that makes crime shows work. Which really sucks because the potential of this series… the real hope and excitement of it…

Can’t watch
·         Elementary
o   Really, he’s just not…he isn’t Sherlock, he doesn’t have the look and he doesn’t have the attitude. He just isn’t him. And it’s annoying because every time…it’s every time the ads come on, or I just catch the end of it…
o   He’s NOT him, and I’m not sure if it’s because of him as an actor that just can’t act the way of Sherlock or if the writers have gone and decided to give the man a different but they will still make him do the same stupid shit.
o   Like I don’t like the dude in the movies (Robert Downy Jr—hell, I’m not a Jude Law fan either), normally but he does a killer Sherlock, he’s near perfect in that smart as shit crazy, and the guy that does the UK version, awesome, they are both perfect in their own ways, but this dude….? What the fuck happened?? It’s annoying and it’s not… HES NOT SHERLOCK and I love Sherlock, really, it’s one of the old school shit that I’m madly in love with, and these people are fucking him up!!
o   Sorry, I took a breath, I relaxed. You might like it, think it’s okay, and I get that, good on you. I’m ranting about something I’ve only seen ads or snippets of, what do I know?!

·         Really love the Sherlock Holmes movies
o   But maybe, since I have some thoughts, there are two of them, plus above rant, I might do one of these for these movies and shows. ‘Cause I could watch them all again. And it’s an excuse I so fucking need to buy the UK series on DVD!! What you think? Would you like that?

To end my little talk—which I’m sure didn’t actually ask anything, or answer, or even question, but it got all that crap off my chest, which, *deep breathe* yep, I feel better.
Anyway, I would like to end all this with saying Season 7, they really pushed the bromance between the characters. DiNozzo & McGee / Gibbs’ & Fornell. Strong is a mild word used. Though it makes sense with the first two, the last two…there bromance was working from the second time they were on screen together back in Season 1, or was it 2.

Anyway, that’s it for this moment, and I know, probably don’t care all that much, but if you made it this far I thank you. Really and truly.
Next time, which will most likely be next month, it seems this will work better if I give a month between them. the next one is about something that’s been annoying me for a while—well not annoying, more so, it’s been sitting there waiting for me to start talking only I have no one to talk to about it, so…walla, you guys get all that crap.
So maybe I’ll talk then. Maybe not, I guess, it’ll be more interesting, controversial, and all that crap. May piss people off. May have you agreeing, seeing things in a different light, who knows really. But I’ll be talking and you’ll have the chose to read.
Thanks again for your time

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