It’s raining, It’s pouring, the old man is snoring, he pumped his head
on the back of the bed and couldn’t get up in the morning.

The rain has started, though it’s pissing, more a
sprinkle, though for the fact that it’s dark, it’s going to get worse, you can
smell it.
So, I’m in limbo, at least it feels that way.
I just finished writing a book, Running Scared, I’m not sure about it, but then who is when you’re
at the point of waiting for others to read and tell you if it’s any good or
If I’m honest I’m in that moment for 2 books, but I’m
actually had a few people read the arc, and therefore know it’s works, and it’s
good. Actually got a nice review for it, though email, so if I need to I just
go back and re-read that.
Running Scared, is weird, I call it my
horror story, but I’m not actually sure if that’s what it is. I know it’s about
metal heath. That’s a hug point, it’s nearly the only point on this story, so
do I promote is as horror or as metal heath??
There’s also a line near the end that’s annoying me.
I thought I was okay, that I’d be leaving it there, mostly because I like the
idea of it. I like the thought behind it and I think it fits, as it’s what he’d
have thought, but, well… “Pain can’t soak”
Pain burned across my neck, running down my throat, to soak into the
collar of my shirt.
I’m waiting for one more read through and a decision,
mostly if I’m going to be publishing 2 things or combined them and make them
Or, do I publish them together, as well as make one separate…
I do know that I’m making the short story a promo thing on my blog for the book
itself that’s why I was going to put them together at the end, even if they
have nothing to do with each other.
But I was chatting with someone, and I think it
would make a good short free read as it’s own. That too and it has a name, so I’d
have to put a sticker on the cover so that people know it’s there as well…
Anyway, I’m in a whirling twirling place with
questions piling on top of me, as I wait.
Man, I can’t wait until I can that wait is over, because
then I’d have to make a decision and it’s a shit load easier when it’s a now
thing, then there isn’t any time to change your mind.
Anyway, I’m hoping to learn about banners this time
around. I have a few great quotes I want to use, that I think will look great…
anyway, I honestly just want to learn something new, and that’s banners, so if
anyone wants to give me the specks, I’d be more than happy to not have to look
around for them. yay me, taking the easy way out :P
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