It’s flu season, or so they say, and with all
dramatic up down weather patterns over here I’m not surprised I’m sick. Also no
surprised that my sickness includes a sore throat, because after this long in
life, I understand my body enough to say it’s the only real sickness I get.
My daughters got conjunctivitis so of course I end
up with tonsillitis.
Anyway, this is my second shot at this post, the
first one went up and I’m truly sorry for anyone that actually read it, because
it was horrible. I can only hope this one turns out better, and if not, I’m
blaming the sickness
Conclusion of the Month Past
So if you hadn’t been clued in on this fact (or not
scrolled down my blog) you might not know that I released 3 books in the last
week. I believed it there ended up being 3 days between them.
Now, I know, I hear you all saying, it’s just too
many books in to short a time, and let’s face it, if you’re a fan or have read
any of my post over the last couple of weeks, you’d know I struggled. I had
such a big arse week. That turned into sickness, yay me!
So in conclusion I will say, that if I hadn’t
written a horror story at the beginning of September than I’m not effing
publishing one that year, because November series has to have on come out.
Anyway, you can check them out by scrolling down the
posts on the main page (home), or clicking the Books link above.
WIP / Coming Soon like Facts
Okay, moving on, I will not have a new release again
this year. At least that’s the hope, at the moment I’m planning on trying to
actually write, but also to get a few smaller projects done so I can leave
myself for bigger stuff. Next year I want to write a novel.
Anyway, I’ve made it clear, recently that I wouldn’t
be writing a Christmas story, and then I believe a day later turned around and
linked myself up to the Flash Fiction Holiday hop.
It seemed like a smart idea at the time, and in many ways I’ll looking forward
to writing it. In some, not so much.

I have a small idea on how I want to get this one
down. how I’m going to make it a white Christmas without actually fully
understand this, and yeah, I know, just make it up, but on the other hand I
want it to be me, and me is sweating over a roast.
Moving on, I’m in the midst of re-reading and finishing
my Moonlit Wolves 7 book, like I’ve gone on
and on about, there’s like 6K to write, only I’ve been struggling, even with a
re-read, to get back into this series. so I feel I’m going to have to actually
read the whole series, real quickly and then
write this bloody book.
But I feel, once I get it done, that this is going
to be a good one.
Then I’d like to write It’s No
Biggy, Its Just a Kiss, which I have the end half running a marathon
inside my head, and it’s good, but it’s not…well, I’m not sure if by the end of
this story the title will actually work anymore, but we’ll see, since I’m
clearly going to writing this one arse backwards.
Then there’s the
not-a-Christmas-story-anymore, story Starts with
Rain, or something along those lines, which is simmering, to say the
least. However, that idea came to me fully thought up so it’s about writing it.
Only I need to be in the right mood for that one.
Oh, and with that, I need to add a Life series story to the mix
See, easy – saying this, the list can and will last
until the New Year and then it will either be finished or not. I’m not
stressing the rest of the year, mostly because RL will have plenty of that shit
waiting for me, there’s no sense in giving myself more to worry over.
In The News
I read a post on publicly saying that an author
doesn’t read Amazon or Goodreads reviews. This has come from two separate
incidents involving authors stalking reviewers for their crap reviews.
First I’d like to say, I have read the victims
account on one incident, and a bystanders view point on a authors
point-by-point tell-all on how she stalked her reviewer. I point it out this
way because all I’ve heard from this story is idle gossip at worse, misplaced
and fractured post on the original information, at best. In any rate I haven’t
seen that authors actually posting so I shouldn’t take what this one said to
literally, but I honestly couldn’t bring myself to press that button, that
would let me read it, I didn’t want that post getting another view hit.
It may be a little stupid, and I know one person not
hitting the link ain’t going to make a difference but it was like the Olympics’
in Russia. I didn’t watch any of it, didn’t even watch fucking highlights—hell,
I’d flip the channel when ads came on about it (and there are parts of the
Olympics’ that I love to watch). I understand that my not watching it didn’t
really ping anyone’s notice, but I held my ground with that one, and so I will
again with this… If it was an account from the victim, then I would have, but
it was an account on why and how this author stalked someone and that’s not
just wrong, it’s spiteful and really… We’ll she’s clearly snapped like a
fucking twig.
And no, this isn’t me having an opinion, I don’t
know all the information to make one, so I’m not.
Anyway, none of this was my point. My point was to
say I read 90% of all my reviews, good and bad. If I get too worked up about
something in the first couple of lines, I will not finish reading it (which has
only happened 3 times since being published). I get angry, and rant, and throw
my hands up in the air and bitch to my screen about how wrong those fuckers
were, and then I walk away. take a breathe and read it again, noting the things
I did wrong, listing the important ones in a file for book 2 or when/if I ever
republish it. I try to understand why they say a point that way, and most of
the time I succeed.
I will give this guarantee, I won’t like your post
(and saying this it’s only ever be goodreads, I forget other places even have
reviews) good or bad. I will not flag it, I will not comment on it. I will
leave all that the fuck alone, only reading them when I have the need to read
them (which is more generally the first 5 reviews after publishing, and then
when I click and see). I will chat to people about my stories if they come to
me, and I’ll try my best not to get arky, but if you come at ME I will block you, because that’s not
what contacting me is about. I have had two or three conversations about my
books, and I know they aren’t perfect, I know there are mistakes and I like to
talk them out, understand what you find wrong in them, and see if I can clear
it up. Not to you, but when I get my hands on them again. When I get to a point
repubbing them.
But yes, as for now, I read my reviews. I try not to
take them to heart, I believe I’m able to understand the ones I can’t read, the
ones that will hit too hard, and I can avoid going through that. But I read
them, I hope to learn from them. However, on the flip side, I am encouraged by
them (even the 2 or 3 star ones). Sometimes I need to know I can do this, I can
be this, and reviews help lift me up, remind me that I have and I will again,
and that yes, in some small degree I can do this, and people enjoy reading
The Rest of
the World
Alright, last two things and we’ll move on
1) I want to give a shout out to all those who are
going NaNoWriMo this year. I hope you can reach your goals, and
that the people around you are able to understand what’s motivating whipping
and what’s going to far.
I will not participate in this venture, not in the
future and clearly not in the past. I believe last year, or was it the year
before…--anyway, I looked it up. I didn’t like the strict guidelines; I didn’t
like certain facts, that might not bother me so much anymore.
2) Movember has been running for 5 days now, those men starting
out with that shadow, and those who are battling with illness’ this is the
month for you. I will have 4 post going on every Friday, that is to highlight, the
charity and the books I plan to write in the years to come.
Up Coming
I’m very excited to say that NJ Nielsen’s and my collaboration series is up to synopsis
stage. It happened a lot early than we both thought it would. Which is all
types of awesomeness. Though I don’t believe we will be starting to write this
series until February
Flashes –
In Progress
Simply put I put up a late Flash Fiction Addiction post,
mostly because I wasn’t able to think of anything until I saw an unrelated
picture that I thought would be great for a future event.
And no, it wasn’t that I wrote it in order to win,
that would be stupid, but that it simply gave me a kick, a bit of inspiration
that I needed in order to think up a story for this months.
Also I posted Hunted, but you can get it for free, so it’s not all that important
LWKI 4 star: Some authors have that skill that with very few words they can make me
care about the characters and the love between them and Bronwyn Heeley is
obviously one of them.
Love Without
Knowing is a surprisinlgy powerful story and the affection and love between
Paul and Matt is almost heartbreaking.
little drama was wrenched out of the cancer storyline, which was good, and it
showed good taste. I highly recommend this story.
LWKI 5 star: A very touching and moving story that I could not put down. It made you
feel as if you were going through this illness with them. This one will stay
with me for awhile!
The review sites: multitaskingmomma ǀ Carly’s Reviews & Goodreads
Meanwhile my only Running Scared & Hunted review can be found here
October winner
is Sula – even if there were more
who entered, I think she’d have still won, her tale moment was awesome!! -- So
contact me in some way and we’ll get it sorted. I believe it’s a something from
my backlist
This month
leave a comment, really, just leave me something, say ‘hi’ and the winner will get an
e-copy from my backlist, or a book to come
Current or
WIP Excerpt
first draft excerpt
No Biggy, Its Just A Kiss
The lips against his were soft; the scruff of beard
not so much, but it made the sensation more because of it.
A sigh of air heated Tom
face as he opened his mouth—A gasp, a startled intake, a sigh of satisfaction.
Tom wasn’t sure which had accrued he was to wrapped up in the fact that he was
having his first kiss, but either way, he’s mouth opened, bottom lip rasped
against sharp spike, and then wet heat.
Benny was Tom’s older
brother’s best mate. He was the hottest guy Tom had ever set eyes on, and as
cliché as it was, he also held staring roll in every fantasy Tom ever imagined.
To have the guy sit down
next to him was a wet dream come true. To then have Benny turn to him, smile
that dripping cock smile before he leant in…well, Tom couldn’t quite pull up
any fantasy that was hotter. He couldn’t think of anything that could make this
moment better, but having it be he’s very first, well, it got that girl inside
him chock up and sigh in a way that he hope to fuck didn’t make it out of his
Tongue met tongue. Tom felt
awkward as he smashed himself closer to the other man. It was almost
embarrassing enough for him to pull back, if only the heat, taste, and feel
hadn’t driven him past thought.
He wasn’t thinking of
anything, not the fact that he was sure this wasn’t something he should have
been doing on his back step. Not when his parents didn’t know he liked guy. Not
when Tom was at the point of rejecting this part of him because he just didn’t
want to have to be it.
Tom hummed as he hand went
up to touch Benny’s face. He’d always like the stubble the other guy was able
to grow. At sixteen Tom was at t wonder that he could grow pubes, but Benny,
one and a half years older could pull off a full beard. Which he did ninety
percent of the time. not only because of the awesomeness of the smugness he had
at being able to run his fingers through the hair, but also of the fact that he
didn’t get asked for ID at any door.
***okay, so more than likely this part is gone, because I just… well
things in this story are shifting, and what’s left, well, it’s fabulous, and I want
that to be it’s story
End Note
And that’s it, I believe, thanks for the stop by,
and I hope you November is fun and stress free.
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