Saturday 1 October 2011

Let's Start Researching

So this is the first post on this research subject but not the first I have written on the topic. The first one being, ‘Researching! It does take you places...’ and the one to come will be ‘Nothing by Sex in October’, look forward to it.

But yeah, that’s it and all, it’s not really getting into, mostly it’s the real start, this is just a small explanation about what I plan to be doing threw the last three months of the year, and what will become a fixture in all my reviews, whether there YA or adults, but mostly they will be on the adult novels I read.

But this means shit to you all at the moment. It’s all a little confusing, but then I’ve never said I was well organised, at least not in a way that isn’t, you know, me. I see what I see, and I think like I think.

So, with that in mind, let’s go over the whys, what’s and who this shit is going to be done.

Now, to you all out there, this series of post (they will be random, with other things lased threw the works) will be all about sex. There isn’t going to be a second when you will find that they are not, so if it isn’t your thing, whenever one comes up, don’t read it. But in addition to the sex, it’s actually going to be about moving from YA into adult novels. ‘Cause I read somewhere about (in someone else blog) that they wouldn’t read adult novels because she had a bad experience with them.

I thought this was a shame, if she was ready. Not that she can’t find a full love for YA, I love YA books, but I also love adults. Though I take my book because of the story not the amount of sex in it. Seriously sometimes I find that people put too much in their books, unnecessary sex scenes piss me off, but that will be another post.

Anyway. So this is about what I plan on doing. It’s my research, which will show you all how badly I do it. Really I’m crap at research, being that I’m not the smartest person under the sun. And that reading isn’t the top ten of skills I posses—especially when it comes to big BIG words.

Still, I’m researching sex, as well, because there are things, and more so the ins and outs of the human body—really, after two kids and a healthy sex drive I know a thing or two about sex, but I only really know it in how I like it, and well, I want to write a adults novel and don’t particularly want you all to know how I like my sex, and so... research is a key in that. Which basically means I’m going into months of thinking, reading, watching, nothing but sex in the way to learn and to be able to write it in ways that will appeal to everyone.

But you didn’t particularly need to know that, at all, so sorry.

So to start I really want to know want to help you guys out, I find that it’s annoying that you guys can’t have good experiences, that you are able to pick up a book and read it when it’s well above what you can deal with. Sex isn’t something you should rush into, not in mind, not in body and not in the eyes. And you are kidding yourself if you think reading about sex isn’t as much an experience as having sex. I actually think it’s more so. You read about it in two different parties’ opinions, most of the time, and you get to know it all, read about the feelings of it all.

Now tell me. Do you remember every little detail about the sex you had? And if you say yes, do you know ecstatically what the other was thinking, feeling? And this is all if you have had sex. Imagine if you hadn’t? If your only real knowledge of sex came from the shitty day(s) of sex Ed at your school, and honestly do you really pay all that much attention to that, to embarrassing, even if you’re not really that embarrassed. And they just tell you about in dos and don’ts, nothing really about sex at all. Though I remember the movie in, year 6—where babies come from. It’s a kickass sex Ed movie. My fav.

Enough of this, sorry to be so distracting, I’m writing this while focusing more on another.

So this set of post, will be under the label ‘research’. It will be one, well, everything that is to do with transitioning from YA to adults novels. But mostly it will be about the novels that you should read and ones that you shouldn’t. I’m hoping that I will be able to read them for you all and give a good opinion, telling you why I think it’s a good one to read, where the sex is involved. The ones that are header, light—actually I will set up a numbering system for you all. 1 to 5, maybe.

  [there are 10 of these, in here, all done showed in a previous blog] 

So that’s the first things and really the main one that I will be doing. In addition to this I might put in a line or two of the sex in the book so that you can have a look, so that it’s give a little into what I think about it. Or how I see it, rather than you having to trust someone you don’t know.

At the moment that’s all. I hope you enjoy my research and that it’s helpful to you all. It’s defiantly going to be for me, because I actually want to write a book of two for transitioning and need to have a line, help you out. Let it be something that isn’t here for you all to read. That will actually help you all out. maybe. We’ll see.

Thanks for your time.