Monday, 24 October 2011

Nearing the End

and like always it seems my ideas and what I actually end up doing are the opposite, and even though next year I know for a fact things in this matter will get better--mostly because writing books is what I want to do, and to do that I need to actually work at it. Not saying that I don't, but I'm lazy and lazy people have to push themselves to do things nonlazy people don't. 

I'm not in any way a workaholic, I never will be, even though I have a stranded in working, and I do what I must, I'm a lay back enough person that it doesn't take up everything. I'm very good at switching off.

This being said, it's why I have already failed in my goal. Or maybe more, that I gave up trying. I found out what I wanted to know. 

What are transition books? How do you know if the book in question fits that bill?

The answer: you don't. No matter what, you can't find out anything about the book you are about to read. Not unless you read a reviewer how tells you. And most wont, or it's more for the fact that it takes yourself to know what you’re looking for. Though again, it's not an easy thing to find. 

A ten year old could walk into a bookshop and walk back out with something that's not suitable for them. and I excaudate on the age, because let's face it, a ten year old would be questioned if they are trying to by a romance, though saying that they still would get away with buying it as long as they didn't say it was for themselves... or would they...? huh, who knows, and like I care all that much if a ten year old wants to read sex scenes in a book, then by all means read. i don't give a shit, it's your own mind and body you’re dealing with, only you know what's really going on with it.

But still, I gave up, though I did it a better shot then I have done anything else with--I'm really shit at research. It’s probably because of the whole not being able to read thing, but who knows for sure. 

Anyway, that was my monthly things, and maybe if it weren't for the whole holiday’s thing I might have had a better shot at it, maybe not. I did what I did and that was all you were going to get. unless, I guess, if you want to know more, or want me to get really going into that situation then maybe I will, though I don't really want the way of things to change. It’s something that's really good for YA readers who want to up there reading level but have 'censorship' parents.

Anyway, that’s it, for this topic, and this time
But thanks of it, your time I mean

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