Thursday 8 December 2011

Chat Time, with the lovely Me!

photo from Digital Art Gallery
Yeah!!!! (and you know this is gonna be a long one)

I'm super excited to do this; just as much as I'm sure you'll all be to read it. But mostly I'm not because my family had just gone through a weekend of 24hr stomach bugs that just want to linger in me for a little while longer. but it seems to me that it's been a while since I spoke about me, and what and where I'm up to when it comes to all the lovely books I've been writing.

So I figure this is as good a time as any to have that chat....

So... I haven't really been up to all that much in the way of writing in the last couple of month--really, it's been a little before I went on holidays back in late October, and since then I haven't really been able to motivate myself. Which sucks all round but also makes me have to write non-stop next year. And it's mostly why I'm not too worried, because I have no kids running around me for the majority of the week, yeah!

anyway, so, I haven't gotten my latest finished book [UnNamed] out into the world yet, so, really, my Brag Page is lying a little there, though there isn't all that much left--ha, now I'm lying even more. honestly I haven’t been able to touch it, I think I've done about a 10 pages into the revisions of it all before it heads out into the world, it's lamn and all, but I just can't find my steam, in anything. but it's one of the first things that I'm doing next year, especially since I have just realised that I won’t be able to do the summer course that I wanted to because my son starts 'big' school next year and that doesn't start until the first or second (?) of Feb and the course is in Jan--maybe I'll be able to work something out being as it's only a 3hr course once a week, but....

So I haven't done any of that. Yeah, I'm pathetic. 

Okay, next on the list.... I started to re-write BY MOONLIGHT because I found, when I had a little scan of the book that it was lacking the other characters true identities and personalities, mostly because I didn’t have them all so worked out in my brain until I finished both the books (that was when I decided how many, and who was getting the new books—so really, the series was more worked out) so I decided that it needed more defining with them. And I also found that it was very clogged, more so than I ever realised. So I’m going to add more conversation, in the front and the background. Pay better attention to the other characters, not that I didn’t before, but there’s just something... missing.  

So I about 14 pages into that, and the only reason that I stopped it was because of the whole being sick shit, and other less than eventful activities and then I just couldn’t be bothered going back to it. But it’s defiantly up there at the top of my fix up list. Though this one will be so much quicker because the story is full there under my fingertips, these characters are the most worked out, the world full done—just everything about this series is done in my mind, other than the fact that I haven’t written them all, and that’s mostly because I can’t write book 3. I can’t get into that mind set, can’t set up the people the way I want to, mostly because of the way I’m going, of the fact that in the first book their relationship is a secret and it’s meant to come out in this one, but first it’s got to break apart because of the strain—it’s something I saw a lot with friends and always rolled my eyes at them for even beginning the relationship, so it’s hard to take something serious now, when I have never in the past.

But saying this, I’ve actually jump to book 4 and started up on that one, which, when I get motivated again, should come along quite quickly since this book has been working and mulling in the back of my mind since the first and second books. if I haven’t told you because this, because of the fact that I’m reading ONE PIECE I have created a new series about pirates, pushing an old series into a single story cat and working this one out in its place. I have gotten 2 pages already written, which is great, I think, I also have motivation at my fingertips that only takes ‘bout an hour to read (the comic’s) and I have put in a MAKING OF thing so that I can go through the steps with you. More so it’s so that I have everything I think about and all that there, waiting for me.

I decided to do it (the Making Of) because of this blog, and so when I finish the book, and if I get it published I will actually post the making of for you all to read so you can see exactly what I do when I start a new book/series

Anyway, I’m really liking it though I still have a lot of questions I’m yet to answer for myself, like this point in the making of.....
pic from Digial Art Gallery
6.      (7/Dec)[Re-wrote first page, ship original to draft] so I’m going to do this one the hard way. mostly because I really couldn’t be bothered with all the research that’s going to have to come into this book, my biggest problem, I’m finding at the moment, is that I don’t know where to put this book, and that’s something that I really do have to work out.

Mostly because you need somewhere to put your book, and I’m not saying in a genre, hell, you work that crap out when it’s done, but it’s the age range that you have to work with and then around.  It’s also, I think, the most important point in your novel writing—who are you writing this book for?

Yeah, yeah, I get the genre thing is important to, but if you think about it, your genre is going to be pretty simple: romance, fantasy, si-fi, contemporary fiction, non-fiction. That’s it really, yeah there’s other out there but if you think about it they all pretty much fall into these categories (and if I’m wrong sue me) with extras and I find that at the end of the day this point doesn’t really matter because you’re going to write what you love, or where your brain, you fingers want you to go, no matter how much you need to have it all laid out before you actually start writing, you still only got a one way mind when it comes to the novel you want to write. Yeah, this to can be tweaked and twisted a bit, but at the end of the day your mind isn’t going to give up, not if you know, deep down, that this is the way you want to write it.

But age range? This is something that can’t change and will sculpt the way you research, the way you think and the way your novel is written.

Or am I the only one?

Age is the thing, people off different generation think different when one says Pirate (I’m using this, because, well, this is what I’m thinking it one). back in the old days, and I’m talking older than me, you idea of Pirates where simple, what they were, gross looking sea dogs that were as tough as nails and harder to sink, they plundered threw villages and killed all that got in there way—hell, some that didn’t.

Nowadays.....? I think pirates is something softer—and I don’t mean the way they look, or even that they still don’t plunder the sea’s looking for money and killing whoever whenever, but like vampires, werewolves, there something softer about them, something more human and understandable. Which alternately is what my pirates have to be like, simple because the other way doesn’t sell, no one wants to read about the bad guy winning, right? And yet that’s kinda what it is all about.

Mine, is going to be about the underdog, which is what’s really important in this day. The little guy winning against the big and badder. But this won’t mean that he’s a good guy—not by a long shot.

And with this in mind, where should this novel sit, what age range, because, as I’ve said before, the context isn’t really going to change, but the language will, the level of violence and the....wenches in toe, will be a lot different if I write this for a young age group then a older one.

And then that gets you thinking a little, if I go teens, which is kinda where this will end, being that I for some reason can’t write for middle grade, so if I write it for teens, should I just go with the flow and let the age range of my novels rise with the age of the main kid, because this series of novels is alternately going to be more a chronicle type thing of the kids life than anything else.

What to do what to do? Really I have no idea. Which way it should be? And mostly I can just write it and see what happens and decide after, but then what if.... yeah, I’m stump.

Yeah.... so as you can also see I’m kinda into the whole ONE PIECE thing and since it’s what my sister likes and she’s like IN love with the series I won’t ever have to worry about it, I’ll read it write after her (mostly because her boyfriend is still up to book 20something and she’s like nearly finished what’s already out which is 58ish and well, I’m going to be in the twenties by next week, if not the week after (I think it’s the week after) I’ll get to go before him. also true because I’ll read the book in the hour it takes to read not the days it takes him to get around to it.

But yeah, that’s the new thing I’m working on....

And that’s it I think. What I’ve done in the end part of 2011—really pathetic, especially if this is something I actually want to do! Might need to really think about it, right? Nah, I have, and it is, I’m just in a funk because of lack of Iron in my blood stream (I’m like lacking the crap by nature, how awesome is that, especially since I’m a female and we kinda really need the shit, more so than men sometimes) and...Yeah...

Oh, oh, I’ve also decided to write a real-to-life book, this one is actually true, or sorta, it’s my little bit of baby depression that I had after giving birth to my son. you see, before writing I kept extensive journals and so it’s all true, and yet he won’t be all my son, because I find that a little mean, and some of the context isn’t going to be fully true. But I had some baby blues and even though I didn’t need a shrink or nothing I still had it, and mum wanted me to write something more real, and well... she might not won’t to read it. Or even feel happy once she did, but I’m getting there. Already written 2pages and it was in ten minutes or so, it’s actually pretty simple but makes me feel a little like shit in the fact that I really did feel that way.

Anywho so that’s it at the moment but I have drawn up a short list of what I’m going to write in 2012...
·         Pirate novel: the Wrath of Underwood.
·         Finish [unnamed], Elementally Female
·         Warrior Brethren book 1 & 2
·         Novella: contemporary; How I learnt to love him

Well, that’s all
Thanks for the time

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