this is from the lovely
people of Red Hot Books, The Book Nymphs & Parajunkee’s view, I really like
the idea, and I’m going to go ahead and do my own. (if either of you want me to
take it down, tell me and I will)
Anyway, this is a great
point. I love it. And I have been thinking of the same thing, since it’s
another year, and the series are about to pop back up. So what’s on the
chopping block?
Though I don’t actually have
a lot of series that I read, I’m not a fan of first person running series, in
any genre—really, you have to have a POV that I can fall in love with, or it’s
Saying this.....
Well, we’ll start were everyone
else did
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series

But this isn’t about her; it’s about the books…
And I know, that’s pretty much all that I have to
say. Really, just the title is all I have to say, and you all get it. Which is
kinda why I put up the whole series name, ‘cause where the hell did the vampire hunting go? It’s a book that use to be about blood and gore and
a chick who’s the best as she gets slammed for it.
And it was the point that you could withstand her
personality and read it, love it.
But then the sex got put in, that was fine. We could
deal with it up until ‘bout Narcissus in
Chains, where it became the book. It’s over the top. Much more—actually it’s
kinda like, Kate Douglas’ Wolf Tales,
and the more you read on the more it becomes that. But her personality clashed
and she was…hating sex, while loving it? Or bitching about it while getting
into bed? so you have this plot of her having to have hot graphic sex, that she’s
been forced into? I don’t know about you but that kinda nulls the hotness.
Then she threw in a bit of bestiality (hence the
above book point—as well as the fact that if you read it, and think about it,
this point is in it a lot) and the books lose everything they are. But she’s
trying to keep it? Yeah, sex and blood sales, but what are you selling? The sex
or the blood?
Oh yeah, and I kept up, Hit List, sucked old man
balls it was that rushed over, considering the lead up, I was so let down that
I had to wait a year for a book that had no real climax, not real…anything. And
then I have the next book sitting on my shelf while people tell me it’s swings largely
around Asher’s shit, yeah! (Cue heavy, dripping down my chin, sarcasm) and the
next book, Micah? Really, talk about a bore—they don’t even have particularly
interesting sex!
Sweetblood Series

But the next one…really, all you’re going to have is
a book filled with two people bitching and arguing until they confess love and everything
will be fine. Right? How original.
I wouldn’t have minded a story or even both their
stories, but differently, separately. With what I know about both, they don’t
even seem like a good match, so why’d she put them together?
Whatever I don’t care, the series isn’t interesting
enough, isn’t catching enough to want me to move on.
though, is there anymore coming out?
Sookie Stackhouse series
For me the series was over when Quinn went away. I really
loved Quinn, really, like really.
Like I understood that Sookie was getting with Eric
so he had to leave, but that way?
But still, I read, the series is nearly over, and
when I finish it I get to watch the show (yeah, it’s my reward) but then she
went and lost the link? When she did that, because of peer presser? Real grown
up of her. Like you couldn’t see the regret and heartache coming before she
ever said yes. What a creep plot line? Really, to me it swinging that it will
make the end have them together? What a waste of a series if that happens, if
they didn’t get to be together what was the point?
I really wish I ended the book with All Together
Dead like I wanted to, but no, I stupidly pushed on.
The chopping block
Dark-Hunter series

Though my biggest thing with this one is the fact
that down here in Australia they seem to think that we will spend the money
(like $28) on a full sized book when these are not worth it? sorry Kenyon, but
they are throwaway romance, that cannot be put into large print paperbacks
without you making the print a paragraph a page to fill that type of book up.
So, it’s a can I be bothered with it book?
I do wanna read Styxx though, that will be coolish,
I think, ‘cause he’s now got his own history, with Acheron’s so there’d have to
be some guilt and growth, right? but….
Lords of the Underworld series

But I’m at a cross road: Darkest Craving, are we
going somewhere completely new? Are we getting new characters? Are we getting
enemies? Are we going to have to sit through book after book where the main
plot is kinda over shadowed by the side story—William?
I’m here to with Immortal After
Dark series,
too, but we’ll see, I really do lone that world!
The series I never started….

I read Desire
Unchained, and though the series was kinda interesting I felt that…we’ll I
wouldn’t mind about two other books, the next one, and one that hasn’t been
I’m undecided about the series, which is why I haven’t
managed to move along.
I read Jacob, it wasn’t interesting, like yeah the
series could get better, I wouldn’t mind reading the next one—hell I have the
next one, but…could I get into it?
Carpathian /
Dark & Ghostwalker series
I’m not that great a fan of Feehan, I love her
Leopard People series but I can’t get into her writing style. And really, that Dark Prince was she not meant to know
he was a vampire? Because I didn’t realise that was what was going on until she
was freaking about it. But still, the idea, the world was cool.
Mostly this was because of the whole Egyptian myth.
I actually thought it was okay, the two characters were loveable, Roxy was a
great woman character, especially when it came to a lot of woman characters in
romance. But there was more to it that I didn’t like, more to the characters, t
the two main groups. And I just didn’t give a shit about Sin.
The Shifter
This was mostly—I could not deal with Faythe and her
I won’t but don’t wont relationship with Marc.
Dark Swan
& Georgina Kincaid series
Well, first off I just… I couldn’t seem to care
about what came next in both books, hell I could hardly finish Succubus Blues. The
whole idea of her wasn’t really set well. I couldn’t seem to get it. if you understand.
…or couldn’t finish.

House of Night series, Vampire Academy series, Evernight series,
Wicked Lovely series,
These are all YA books, but they weren’t the reason
that I couldn’t finish them. They were all for reason, each individual, and yet
all similar. Mostly, the books went somewhere I didn’t care for. The characters
started to annoy me. Or there was no growth when I was hoping there would be. Maybe
it is because I’m old, or because I went into adult and just couldn’t deal with
the younger shit of teen life. but I doubt it.
what about you? feel the same? different? a reason why I should, shouldn't read what I haven't quite started yet?
what about you? feel the same? different? a reason why I should, shouldn't read what I haven't quite started yet?
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