I wasn’t going to have these monthly post anymore
since my Memoirs have change and quite frankly I could just put this shit in
with that.
But it’s a sad week for me as I wait for the time
when I go to a funeral and so I thought, since I’m not writing I may as well
You see, I’m hoping after this weekend, I’ll know whether
my short story will make it into an Anthology, or not. I don’t have high hopes for
it’s acceptance since I’m not sure if it was what they are looking for, along
with my shitty writing, it may end up being too much trouble for them, and,
well, just not what they wanted, and so I feel a rejection letter coming my
I’m not sure if I felt this way when I first submitted
my Moonlit Wolves stories, but quite frankly I didn’t have to wait this long to
find out either way, it happened quite quickly.
So, I should know the fate of Something Said, by the end of the week, if not,
than the next. I’m not actually sure how they are working these things out. Reading
them as they come in, grading them, and then taking the top…?
Anyway, the month of March is work work work, I have
to get over this crap that I’m dealing with and write.
I just finished the short story for the end of Book 6: Rub of my Werewolf, and I’ve gotten to a
point that I realise what’s fucked up about the story and have a vague idea on
how it’s gotta be fix.
So, that’s a must as well as me starting and
Finishing book 7: Protecting my Werewolf, I’ve
been thinking about this one, and it’s going to have a very heavy hand towards
Jex and allowing you, threw Justin, see how he was raised, even though it was
different from how Justin was.
It’s going to be a little…sketchy and I’m not sure
it will be all that romantic, as I’ll be showing a healthy way to see people
while covering it in lust and rosy glasses.
Quite honestly, I’m looking forward to writing this
one. I have from the beginning, but Craig held a higher hand as Justin wasn’t
showing himself completely, just a lover of twinks, and a reason behind it.
now, oh God, now, he’s showing me he’s screwed up birth, raising and adulthood,
he’s backstory might not come out as fast as you’d like, but its actually going
to be there because there’s a hug point about what—who he is and what that will mean to Adam, along with how it will
actually affect him.
I’ve shivers thinking about it.
But first, I must finish book
Everything with editing for my Movember story will be put on hold as my cousin is
getting married, and so that comes first, especially since there isn’t a rush
in this one, not yet. By June, I want it fully ready to go, but for now, we
have the time.
So I think I’ll start researching and organising the
blog part, ‘cause I’d really like to get a tour—no, just a post here and there
for it. But mostly the organisation, so I think I’ll start asking and looking
into that. Get a rough draft of it, so that I have something to ask about.
Other than that I’m good for the month, I need time
to grief and so I’m not going to push myself to hard, but I’ve had a month off,
and things need to move on. I need to work or it will come to a point that I’m
behind and not able to catch up.
I really wouldn’t mind finishing, or really starting
No Biggy, It’s Just a Kiss, because that’s
bitching at me none stop and it’s kinda annoying.
As well as writing a full version of Something Said when the rejection comes in.
These two are both YA, though the first one is YA
with adult themes.
Oh, and God do I need to finish Trusting Your Eyes,
but because I’ve decided to make it a bit of a mystery the whole things decided
to fuck with me. telling me I can’t do this, I’m so shit at it, though I don’t
think I will be because it’s mostly just about what’s in the dudes head, or is
Anyway, so, this month it’s just those two books. I’d
be grateful if I could just finish the first one, but since I’m like halfway there,
I should be able to do both.
Lastly, have you guys seen my 3 Moonlit Wolves
covers all together, now? Oh, well here they are, just for you

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