I'm not sure if this will interest you, but I got FBed
with a link to a review of Forever with my Werewolf, here.

I do want to point out that this series will get to
that point, I’m nearly done writing book 6 and then book 7 has a MC that’s a part
of Jex’s old life so it will point out facts from how he grew up. I’m itching
so write it so much that it’s making me struggle with book 6, lol
Anyway, I’m heaps happy, since I understand why no
one’s reviewed it, or if this is the only person who’s actually read it, but
just knowing that it worked, that it made sense, and that it was understandable
and realistic enough that it’s what other people would do. which is kinda what
I wanted, since at the time, I was reading books, where they’d freak but it was
easy to talk them down, because of the bond, and I’m sure it would as well with
Tim, if he was given a chance, but seeing as Colin didn’t give him one….
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