Vampire’s Coqui by Evelise Archer
Pack #1)
28th of January 2016 by Siren Publishing
Classic Manlove ǀ A Siren Erotic Romance
Alternative Paranormal Consensual BDSM Romance, M/M, vampires, shape-shifters,
spanking, sex toys, HEA
loves his ranch, his horses, and the men he works with. He also has certain
proclivities which the C & L Ranch caters to. Diablo is a Dominant and a
one hundred and fifty year old vampire who desperately desires a mate and
permanent sub.
graduated from Veterinary School, Kristoph Karlisle answers the Vet Needed ad
for the C & L Ranch. The little coquí shifter is better suited for the
warmer climate and eagerly heads south towards a new job—and his fated mate.
hopes his mate is as open-minded as the other residents of the C & L Ranch,
where hog tying takes on a whole new meaning.
heart skipped a full beat or maybe two and the sweat trickled down his back at
the bomb just dropped on his lap. The polo shirt began to stick to him and he
hoped his deodorant did the job. Diablo Rivera-Calderon was an imposing figure
of a man. Sexy, wore a pair of jeans as if they’d been painted on, Kristoph’s
new boss, and oh yeah—his mate. Never did Kristoph think he’d move hours away
from his current home not only for a job but also to find his mate—life mate as
Diablo called him. Coquíes did not necessarily mate for life nor believe in
life mates. They knew mates existed and from the moment Kristoph laid eyes on
Diablo his scent called to him and he knew the attraction strong, but a life
coquí unions were arranged by the parents or some older relative for the sake
of procreation and keeping their shifter population thriving. They rarely mated
outside the species. Kristoph’s parents were a perfect example. Their marriage
had been arranges and they brought six children into the world. Unlike their
animal counterpart which laid up to twenty five eggs per year, the shifter
coquí usually had a child every year and a half. Kristoph sometimes wondered if
they only stayed together out of habit, and because it was expected He
certainly didn’t think they loved each other and when they tried to arrange a
marriage for him, Kristoph left his island home of Puerto Rico for the sunnier
pastures of Florida. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, a scholarship from
the University of Pennsylvania to study paid off in more than one way. The
weather may not have been what he’d originally sought, but now relocating to
Kristoph wondered if all the ramblings of his parents about survival and
procreation was just their way to keep him in line, especially once he told
them he was gay. They were appalled and screamed it was his duty to marry a
nice coquí-shifter girl and keep the species thriving. Once his parents
informed him they had an arranged marriage for him, Kristoph left and never
looked back. Lies. Everything they told him—lies.
don’t know if I believe in life mates.” Kristoph had a hard time looking Diablo
in the eyes. He already didn’t want to disappoint his mate. “My parents always
told me coquíes married for procreation, rarely love. We only bred with each
I can’t speak for your parents, but I can sure as hell tell you with one
hundred percent assuredness, you are my mate. A vampire’s nose is never wrong,
nor hearing, and you smell like sunshine and sea salt.” Kristoph kept his eyes
transfixed on their joined hands and the slight caress of Diablo’s finger on
his wrist.
what if you’re wrong and I’m not the man for you. Are you even gay?” whispered
pressure on his chin forced his face up, and he peered into Diablo’s eyes.
Kristoph saw Diablo’s dark pupils dilate with conflicting emotion,
understanding and lust. Kristoph inhaled before speaking again. “Are you? Gay?”
I am, but even if I wasn’t, a mate is a mate. And we never forsake a mate. Do
you understand what I’m saying?” Kristoph timidly shrugged his shoulder at
Diablo’s words. “You are it for me, Dr. Kristoph Karlisle. My life mate. And no
matter how long it takes, I will prove myself to you.”
watched the man’s plump lips as he spoke. A shudder passed through Kristoph’s
body at the inflection in Diablo’s voice. The man was determined to convince
him of his sincerity and tenacity of their mating. A surge of pride flowed in
Kristoph, knowing someone thought him so important. Kristoph licked his lips,
his throat dry like the Sahara as he swallowed. He needed a drink of the
lemonade but he feared moving, not wanting to break the spell.
Adult Excerpt
of us is a tad bit overdressed.” Kristoph sat transfixed at the beacon—Diablo’s
dick—that led the way to the bed. Brought out of his trance, Kristoph found
himself yanked to the foot of the bed by his ankles. A sharp claw protruded
from Diablo’s finger and swept up one side of his khakis and down the other,
underwear included. Clothes ripped off and naked from the waist down, Kristoph
suddenly felt very vulnerable.
sorry, cariño, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I promise to replace the pants.”
The bed dipped, Diablo’s body surrounding his as he crab-crawled to the head of
the bed.
please, unless you want to lose that, too.” Kristoph whipped the polo over his
head and unceremoniously tossed it on the floor. Naked, his tan skin was a
contrast to his pale lover.
Kristoph smiled at Diablo’s compliment.
flesh goose bumped as Diablo’s wicked tongue grazed across each nipple and down
his sternum to his belly button. An unmanly giggle escaped as that tongue
dipped into his belly button and swirled. Oh, to have that killer tongue on his
was soon pleasantly surprised when Diablo lapped at the pre-cum pooled on the
tip of his dick.
fuck, Diablo. Please, Sir.” The honorific slipped from his lips so easily. To
have a master as special and sexy as Diablo made his heart soar.
wanted to scream the slower Diablo licked him, suckling his balls and then
dipping his tongue into the slit of his bulbous head. Diablo repeated the
action and Kristoph searched for all the patience he could muster. He scrunched
his eyes shut and tightly grasped the sheets. Movement made him open his eyes
and he peered up, face to face with Diablo’s green eyes.
take the edge off, or I can guarantee once I get into your tight ass, I won’t
last long.” Kristoph shuddered, the feel of his mate’s body aligned next to
his, combining their sweat and masculinity. Moving to his side and sliding down
slightly, he lined his cock next to Diablo’s. The vampire’s large callused hand
wrapped around both their dicks. The pre-cum, which oozed from the two slits,
eased the way for the man to stroke them effortlessly—up and down, twisting the
knobs ever so slightly, catching more of the drippings.
panted, his breath ragged and mouth agape. Moans of pleasure emanated from him
as the hunky vampire brought them close to completion.
the movement of his hips with the slide of Diablo’s hand, his cock skimmed
along the velvety steel of Diablo’s dick.
Diablo, so close.” As if the man knew just what he needed, Diablo’s pinky
pressed into his slit, creating a volcanic eruption of cum. The vampire
continued to milk both of them, Diablo’s orgasm mere seconds behind. Their
combined scents and spent seed covered their bellies. Diablo’s rhythmic
circling of their cum on Kristoph’s stomach brought forth a faint smile and
was…nice.” Kristoph turned his head into the crook of Diablo’s neck and kissed
him lightly. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.” He felt safe in the strong
sinewy arms wrapped around him like a protective covering.
know, I do need pants, though, before we go downstairs to eat.”
* * *
was a happy vampire. Light snores and wispy breaths came from the man presently
relaxed and asleep in his arms. His mate. The only thing that would make this
moment better would be if Diablo had fucked and bitten Kristoph, sealing them
together forever. Soon enough.
nuzzled the top of his mate’s head. The tendrils soft against his face, his
hair smelled like coconut with the underlying scent of sunshine.
little coquí had a beautiful body, sleek and compact. The man couldn’t be
taller than five feet seven inches. Only a slight hint of his island ancestry,
his skin radiated peaches and cream. He twirled his finger in the long
shoulder-length shaggy blond hair—streaks of chocolate brown sporadically
Kristoph’s sleep-ridden voice whispered across Diablo’s collarbone. “I must
have dozed off.”
worries, cariño, I’ll never balk at the chance to have you in my arms. How
about we wash the dried cum off and go eat. Then we can discuss our true
A quick shower, a change of clothes, and now the forgotten dinner.
reheated each of their plates, and they ate side by side in companionable
silence. The last plátano eaten, Diablo pushed his dish aside and reached for
Kristoph’s hand.
we mate, I’ll bite you in the neck and suck your life’s blood—just enough until
I can feel you in my system, as my seed spills into you. Then I’ll bite my
wrist, and let you drink from me. We’ll feel our beings, our souls melding into
one, and then our mating is complete. My parents are life mates, and they’ve
always told me it’s an intensely satisfying and erotic experience. We’ll feel
each other wherever we are, together or apart. We’ll be able to communicate
mentally.” Diablo waited for a few seconds to allow Kristoph to take in all he
said. “Are you sure this is something you want?”
noticed the intensity in Kristoph’s eyes as he spoke. “Yes, Diablo, I want to
be mated to you for life. With all that it brings.”

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