Saturday, 2 April 2016


#MSS135 theme is Bring It Home for Sexy

Love Without Knowing It
(November #1)

When everything Paul had ever known turned upside down, suddenly he needs to man up and fight for the love he’s always feared.

Paul’s life was set. He had what he needed and what he was comfortable with. Then a night with one of his regular lovers pulls him into the drama of sickness, love, and death.
In the end, Paul needs to work a few things out first: Is he strong enough to fall in love with a man that may need more than he’s able to give, or will he fall into old habits and run when the relationship gets too complicated?

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Or Twitter here – along with the trends #MySexySaturday, #Saturday7 & #MMSAuthors
Or simply click on the next author in the link to move on for the week.
I hope you enjoyed and that we’ll see you again next weekend
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  1. Nice snippet. Love can be so complicated sometimes yet always sexy.
