after reading below, go and check out April’s
the thing, I think it’ll be too hard for April and I to do something specific
to this challenge each week. It’s too much, especially since we have others
things--(okay, April has other things. I should have all 4 written by the end
of this year)--To do through the year and coming back to this every week could
be too much. So instead, we’ll take a day out of the month in order to focus on
this. to answer questions about researching and the challenge as a whole if you
have any you wish to ask.
What First?
first thing that caught my eye when I was researching was Walpurgis Night, which
isn’t quite….Beltane and yet it’s just not the Celtic version of May Day,
which in the Celtic countries they call it May Day.
called “Witches’
Night” which really how could I not jump at the opportunity. It happens
a little earlier on the 30th of April and is believe to be the night the witches’ meeting on the Brocken, the
highest peak in the Harz Mountains. A range of wooded hills in central Germany
between the rivers Weser and Elbe.[source]
is about all I know of it as I haven’t really done deep research. But it made
me excited. It gave me a reason to start the series. To have them be there. To
have it be paranormal.
not going to go deep into the heritage of Walpurgis Night. oh, I’ll research it,
but I’ll be having all my MC’s come from deep Celtic roots and therefore are
just using this night, this site because they need it in order for B1 MC needs
![]() |
yeah i know sideways |
we must deal with the Holiday in general I’ll be going deeper into Beltane, because I’m not
really sure I can call in May Day
being as in the southern hemisphere this joyous day happened the first of
this I am second gen Irish, Northern Irish. If I remember correctly my
grandfather’s family came from a direct line of Celtic, it’s a reason I have my
pixie ears. I remember, when I was younger, that my family would celebrate May
Day. We’d go to my uncle’s house, all the family and we’d have a massive bonfire.
I have good memories, even if they aren’t solid of this yearly event. Thinking
on it, I believe we had to stop this more because of our countries strict fire
laws as a no fire ban generally goes into play at the beginning of October.
for obvious reason, won’t be staying too strict to this myth, as it’s kind of
hard to do when you’re on the wrong end of the seasons. even if I choice to
have them fly over to Germany it wouldn’t be the same because once I went into
the northern hemisphere the season changes as it isn’t Beltane anymore it’s Samhain. It will honestly be
one of the big challenges I will face.
I’m going to leave you with this. as I want to remember it, but am too lazy to
write it done, lol
Historic Beltane customs
Beltane was one of four Gaelic seasonal
festivals: Samhain (~1 November), Imbolc (~1 February), Beltane (~1 May) and Lughnasadh (~1 August). Beltane marked the
beginning of the pastoral summer season, when livestock were driven out to the
summer pastures. Rituals were held at that time to
protect them from harm, both natural and supernatural, and this mainly involved
the "symbolic use of fire". There were also rituals to protect
crops, dairy products and people, and to encourage growth. The aos sí (often referred to as spirits or
fairies) were thought to be especially active at Beltane (as at Samhain)and the goal of many Beltane rituals
was to appease them. Most scholars see the aos sí as remnants of the pagan gods and nature spirits. Beltaine was a "spring time
festival of optimism" during which "fertility ritual again was
important, perhaps connecting with the waxing power of the sun"
Way Life Turns by April Kelley & Bronwyn Heeley
BonyDee Press Challenge)
happens when two men are in very different places in their relationship?
from the start of their relationship, Jonah was in love with Scott. Scott
doesn’t share that same sentiment. Jonah finds out exact how Scott feels about
him the hard way, when he sees Scott in a compromising position with someone
else. How they react becomes the challenge two authors have set out to solve.
Will there be forgiveness or misery as Jonah reacts to what Scott has done?
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