Sunday 30 October 2011

Sun & Sand

That’s what holidays are all about, and I'm just back from mine, yeah...?!!!!

Did you have fun? Yes.

no matter if you did or didn't, and the fact of everything is that you want have had a great time, you want to forget all those bad times you have, focus on only the good ones--or at least that's what I believe, because no matter what holidays aren't always that fun.

Let’s take mine for an example and really, it's the reason that I'm writing this. 

This was the first holiday that we had been one since; I think my daughter one. It was around this time of year, before all the bad crap descended onto me, and when everything was great. The sun was out. The beach was warm enough and yet still held a bit of a chill, inside the holiday house smelt of spew. Yep. our last holiday had nothing but a stomach bug that got to everyone but me, which was all so much fun (if you enjoy clearing up after vomit and telling your 2yr old son that he wasn't allowed milk when that was the only thing he ever wanted to have) such fun!

[Side note, this year we watched Miranda season 1 & 2, so sorry if you get a few catch phrases from that]

So this year we were going to have fun. FULL STOP!!! and in most of the way it was, like I said if only you wanted to look at the finer times in life than we had a great time. 

And we did, seriously, great holiday, considering the last one. Still it was busy and the days when it wasn't and we had a minute to go out onto the beach it was raining. Though we did go to the beach, the lake and all that a lot, it still had the drag feel to a lot of it. 

Also I did this... (sorry bout the body shot of me.)
won’t say anything, [on a Sat night when I fell out of bed. yeah, that's it--not really, but the fall was more I pushed myself, off and landed on the corner of another bed, but I can't fully remember the dets. more the pain and me just getting up and getting back into bed (didn't want to wake anyone up)] but fuck it hurt, though coming out of this hol, in a week there is only the burse and it's that brown yellow thing left and I can actually touch it, lean on things--you know, all those fun stuff you can't do when your entire side is in flame because of graze/burse, especially when the worst of its one the bottom of your ribs. 

still, holidays was fun, and I'm just in a bitchy, morbid type of mood so that's why it's all such a drag, still.... it's just got me thinking of all the things that do go wrong on holidays, on all those days that sucked, and how we just don't include them when we tell people back the time, like there’s something in use that doesn't want anyone to know that things went a little bad, or that it out right sucked. 

Is it 'cause we don't want them to know? We like to think that they envious us over such an enjoyable moment from our lives, when they might not have had such a great one of those. Or is it more that they did. But saying that, it's not like we knew they did in the first place is it? It’s like a polite cycle that goes on and on until someone mans up and says, 'Nar, it was shit' (which is usually said in the most Bogan of voices)

I just don't understand it, and I do. Like saying 'sorry' or 'good, you?' it’s just what we do. not only do we not want to remember the horrid day by day of our own holiday no one really wants to know either, there mostly just asking to be polite and you in turn are nice to them by saying something simple that ends the conversation quickly and peacefully, so it's not have to be said again.

also there's that constant of people asking, everyone you know wanting to know but they can't ask when there all together, no, it's always a long day of saying the same thing over and over than you just give up before you start and that's that. The end

Kinda like I'm going to know, being that you don't really care all that much do you?
But whatever. Thanks for your time.

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