Sunday, 30 October 2011

What I need to write: 2012-2013

Here’s the thing. It’s that time for me to sit down and take a look at all the story ideas that I have, all the books that I need to write and to put them into priority, to make me do them. and other than going to as many writing workshops as I can throughout the two year period I’m going to write, and what I feel I need is a place to look.

I also think that I need a list of books that I should write. Ones that I need to sell to the world, or maybe just a hand full of them to start off with so that when it gets time to sell my idea I’m not going to sit there with nothing over and over, saying my piece about something they don’t want or isn’t in the write area to begin with. So I want to have a pile of written work by me so that I can show it all off, so that I can get something picked up, or maybe more so that I can have something picked up rather than have nothing. For no one.

So here’s the list of books that I need to have finished and ready for sale by the end of the two years. And if there is a book already in that place, it’s mostly because, well, why start something new when I can just finish what I have already got down.
[Spliced because of length and relativity to your enjoyment]
    • A paranormal romance: adult: Warrior brethren tri
    Well, hell, most of the books I’m going to write will be in that area, because that’s where I want to write, but...

      • YA: Teen-Hunt book 1 & 2 [done] (thinking I need to write book 3 & 4)
        • /dystopian: Storm Wilde, Soul Stealer series
    • YA, magical fiction: (nameless) [done]
    • Horror: Wolf Fights
    • Crime/mystery
      • adult: Monsters Inc. series
      • YA (thinking on): Monsters Mute series
    • Si-Fi - I really doubt this one will ever happen
    • contemporary romance
      o   adult: (thinking) about doing one that’s about a woman falling in love with someone, or maybe just getting with them and then finding out that she’s got cancer and the love that comes out of that. Since that way I can have the turmoil threw the male as well, with he’s chooses, with his need for her to be better, with him second guessing when it gets a little too much, with all that stuff that comes out of it. even though it might be better with an old couple, I think giving it a new relationship on top (at least it’s what I’m thinking, but it does go a lot like sex drugs and love. though saying all this, my thoughts is that she will die at the end of it, because I’m a sad fuck. 
      • fiction: YA: TragicTeen collection. [done 1] these are novellas only
        o   I’m also going to be writing this one with my mum—so it may never actually happen not in this time frame and not with what I’m looking at, but I may do a little one, a novella so that mum understands what she’s asking me to write and maybe... well, it’s still a work in progress so I won’t bore you with the dets.
        • Fantasy
          • adult: Blood Lust, full length
          • YA: Old Magic
          • middle grade, cross YA: Stolen Witch's 
        • middle grade:  (name here please!). This is something I’m trying to write for my son, and it’s something that will (hopefully) turn out to be a graphic novel. It’s BEN10 type of style, with dragons and zombies and vampires and werewolves. And all that. He’s a fan and I would really like it to be created. My brother is happy to draw the pics’ for me (and he’s awesome, especially for what I want) and my brotherinlawish’s brother is great at fixing photo’s on the computer so we can ask him when the time comes. I’m about half way through the first book (and it’s the hardest one to write so far)
        Okay, so that’s all I can think about as categories at the moment, I think mostly, because (well, that could actually be it) or is it because there the only ones that I have a high hope in writing? I don’t know really, but it’s something that I want to active. I want to be an author and I can write books faster than anything else, not that I believe all of them would be enjoyable to read, but (and I’m trying not to slap myself on the back) I can do it. and I feel that if I can get the first draft, up to where I am now with the ones that are finished (maybe a little further—like 2nd or 3rd read) than it would be a better sell. Or I would have much more in the way of trying to sell, rather than the one book. Yeah, I know, and even more so I know I probably won’t ever see my dream, but hope is everything and I have five-ten years, from now to see this come about. It’s something I want and I’m going to work hard at it, the hardest will be coming through the next two years when I don’t have to work on top of family and writing.

        I love the fact that it’s something I still love and something I will try my hardest to become, it’s one of the only things that can see myself doing for the rest of my life. It’s one of the things that I will do even if it’s not all that successfully.

        Anyway, here are all the books that I have and that need to be written, all the ideas I have here will be put up at proposals throughout the year to come, and will be changed and upgraded as I get better. They are also what I will finished and what may see me writing as more of a short story series of novella series to be posted for you all. But all the ideas and nearly completely formed and if not complete the ideas around them are still buzzing in my head, still wanting there say.

                     In some sort of order (names may change threw writing)
        o   Stone Gate series:
        §  (nameless)
        §  Devil’s Calloused Hands
        §  (nameless)
        o   Warrior Brethren series:
        §  Body of Darkness
        §  Hands of destiny
        §  War and Betrayal
        §  Book
        §  Book
        §  book
        o   Furies a trilogy: (these are the names of thee)
        ·         Minsters Inc.: adult’s crime. Paranormal.
        o   Theoretically Speaking
        o   Literally Speaking
        ·         Monsters Mute: YA Crime, paranormal. (transition)
        o   Forever Afterwards
        o   Tomorrows Yesterday
        ·         Teen-Hunt series: YA romance, paranormal
        o   By Moonlight
        o   Red Midnight
        o   Fire Light
        o   Under Stars
        o   First Light
        o   Thunder Storm
        o   flashlight (information book)
        o   lightning strikes
        o   dipping rays
        o   Last Light.
        ·         StormWilde, Soul Stealer, series: YA para romance/dystopian YA (transition)
        o   Killing Time (?)
        o   Buzz Kill (?)
        ·         Wraths of the underworld series: (Undetermined as of yet)
        o   Limbo (?)
        ·         Wolf-Fights: YA horror
        ·         Bloody Lust: adult, fantasy
        ·         Human Monsters (Let them Hunt): adult, novella,
        ·          Old Magic: YA, Fantasy
        ·         Stolen Witch’s: Middle grade
        ·         Dead World tril: adult, paranormal fantasy
        o   Rustling Branches
        o   Frozen World
        o   Whistling Ice
        ·         Tales of Phoebe the Undead: adult paranormal romance/crime (may turn to Novellas rather than an actual series of books)
        ·         TheChronicles of Willow Moore: YA (16+) paranormal fiction
        o   Becoming Me
        ·         TragicTeen: YA real to life collection of Novellas
        o   Don’t forget
        o   Hush It
        o   book
        o   Face in the Mirror
        ·         Undeaders: YA paranormal romance sorta (most likely turning to novellas)
        o   Hidden Prophecy
        o   Delicate Secret’s
        ·         Vampire Trilogy: adult, erotica para romance
        o   Eternally, love
        o   Everlasting, love
        o   Quixotic, love
        And they are it...

        It’s really not that big a list, and yet it is... if you understand and most of the books may, in fact, never be written as anything more than a novella—I would create them as short stories but they do need have a lot more information and story line, and well, I have already written twenty pages in nearly all of them (I don’t have a story if I haven’t already started writing it, and more so that there is an actually world around the story, and that I have devoted a bit of time to that said story)

        Still, there’s a lot, not that in any way am I thinking that I will write that many in the next two years—hell, I don’t even believe that I will write all the ones that I have written up in that top half. Really what type of writer would I be if I just skimmed myself threw that many books in a row—well, I can think of a few things that come to mind of one, but it’s not that nice and we are all about building self esteem at the moment, there’s no need to put myself down when I will have a lot of people putting me down.

        And here’s the real thing, in most of the books I have written (you know right up, before the list) I have already written half if not more of the book. It’s like I get to a point and have just sorta stoped, which is crap and really all about me not making myself write them—or fit them up, place them better—whatever it is I need to finish with them. So you might find that I will be going through books quite quickly, it’s not because I can write like that, more that they were already nearly finished in the first place.

        And so you know, because I feel as if I should put it out there, you know that all these will come out as proposals over the next year. Don’t know what I will do after that for my mid month special but it’s a long way off, I’m sure I’ll find something, right? 

        Anyway, thanks for your time, I really do appreciate it.

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