There isn’t much to say about this particular
author, mostly because as far as I can see he’s quite new to the whole
industry, only being involved in two anthologies
A Taste of
Honey anthology
and this one he’s offering for the prize.
So without further ado here’s an excerpt from his
story in the Candle in the Dark
A New Year
It was New Year's Day, 1986,
an hour after midnight, and it was the end of things for Heath.
Or it should have been. It
was also the night he first met Finn.
A chunk of old cement
crumbled away beneath his feet, falling into the river far below. The bridge
railing was cold at his back, and he could see his breath in the midnight air.
The water of the River Severn rushed by beneath him, silver in the moonlight and
heavily laden with winter rain. As soon as he gathered his courage,
Heath[Gabriel B1] would take his own
life into his hands, for once, and would leap into those icy waters to
disappear forever from the world of men.
Just two hours before, he'd
been over at the Sullivans' house, at a New Year's Eve party thrown by the
parents of Sam Sullivan, Captain of the Havenwood sixth form school football
Heath hadn't wanted to go,
but his mother had insisted. She'd sat down with him at their kitchen table in
the small cottage that was all she could afford since his father had left them.
She was fading slowly with the years, like the flowered tablecloth she rested
her elbows on.
“Heath, I know it's not easy
for you, socializing with those other kids,” she'd said, brushing a strand of
his long blond hair away from his face. “Seventeen is a hard age for anyone,
and you’re not like them.”
Heath was average height,
and still carried some of his baby fat. He'd had a bad outbreak of acne when
he'd hit puberty, and it still flared up every two or three weeks, leaving his
face looking constantly bruised. And he was gay, a big deal in a small English country
village like Havenwood.
“But you have to start
somewhere.” Her voice was hard as steel. ”I want you to go to this party
tonight and enjoy yourself.” She adjusted her skirts, smoothing out the fabric.
“Who knows, maybe you'll make a new friend.”
How could he say no to his
mum when she put it like that?
So he'd gone, hoping to make
the best of things, and it had all gone horribly wrong. Now here he was, all
alone, humiliated, and ready to let go.
The fog roiled along the
edge of the river, as if waiting for the perfect moment to surge across the
turbulent surface, smothering everything in a thick, white blanket. He loosened
his grip...
Candle in the Dark
by Gabriel Belthir, William
Holden, Dahlia K Bloom, Emily Moreton, Angelia Sparrow & J Scott Coatsworth
published November 2014 by
Inkstained Succubus Productions
Holiday Anthology
Holiday Anthology
In almost all traditions, winter has been a time to huddle around the
fire and be thankful for those the fire is shared with. The holidays grew out
of a need to celebrate that time, from Christmas to Chanukah to Solstice. The
longest night of the year has always held some special mystery, and we’re proud
to present you with several stories of how those mysteries bear fruit.
Looking forward to reading more