Monday, 9 February 2015

LOVE is LOVE Valentine’s Day Blog Hop

Welcome one and all to the hop that’s running from today until next Monday that the lovely DP Denman has organised for us all. It’s about love, as most things are when linked to Valentine’s Day, and I’ve decided that I would celebrate this wonderful event with a daily prompt fiction.

“I love you, you know that right?” Craig whispered, leaning over Col and taking the kiss he needed before he rolled to his side and allowed himself to relax.
“’Course I do,” Col patted Craig awkwardly on his stomach, “love ya too, mate.”

I want to point out that none of the photos are mine
and will be taken down at the end of the blog hop.

Hope you’ll all come back tomorrow for the next one, and/or follow the links below to the other people in the blog hop  

Hop sites:

A.J. Marcus
Aidee Ladnier
Alexa Milne
Amanda Young
Annabeth Albert
Anne Barwell
April Kelley
Brandon Shire
Bronwyn Heeley
C. J. Anthony
Catherine Lievens
Cecil Wilde
Charlie Cochrane
Christopher Koehler
David Connor
DP Denman
Draven St. James
Elin Gregory
Elizabeth Noble
Ethan Stone
Eva Lefoy
H.B. Pattskyn
Hayley B James
J.M. Dabney
Jennifer Wright
Jessie G
Julie Lynn Hayes
Karen Stivali
Kazy Reed
Kendall McKenna
L M Somerton
Lily G Blunt
Lisabet Sarai
Lynley Wayne
M.A. Church
Megan Linden
Morticia knight
N.J. Nielsen
Neil Plakcy
Sibley Jackson
Stephen del Mar
Sue Brown
Tali Spencer
Tara Lain
Thianna Durston
TM Smith
Tracey Michael

Ebook Prizes:

Aidee LadnierThe Break-in
Amanda YoungWinner chooses from author's available titles
Bronwyn HeeleyWinner chooses from author's available titles
C. J. AnthonyHeaven
Charlie CochraneSomething from my back list - winner's choice.
David ConnorTidings of Comfort and Joey Down Under
DP DenmanWinner chooses from author's available titles
Elin GregoryAlike As Two Bees
Ethan StoneWinner chooses from author's available titles
Eva LefoyLove is a Mess anthology
H.B. PattskynHanging by the Moment
J.M. DabneyWhen All Else Fails
Jessie GThe Protector
Julie Lynn HayesWhen Will I See You Again
Lisabet SaraiNecessary Madness
Lynley WayneWinner chooses from author's available titles
M.A. ChurchThe Harvest series (book #1 and book #2)
Morticia knightAll Fired Up (Sin City Uniforms 1)
N.J. NielsenWinner chooses from author's available titles
Sibley JacksonPrivate Performance
Sue BrownThe Next Call
Tali SpencerDangerous Beauty
Tara LainCanning the Center
Thianna DurstonThe Blake/Dusty Chronicles: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Alexa MilneRainbow Connection (due out 13th Feb) or Sporting Chance.
Anne BarwellWinner chooses from author's available titles
April KelleyWhispers of Home
Brandon ShireThe Love of Wicked Men - Episode One
Catherine LievensJamie
Cecil WildeDefying Convention
Christopher KoehlerPoz
Draven St. JamesScent of a Wolf
Elizabeth NobleWinner chooses from author's available titles
Hayley B JamesUndercover Addiction
Jennifer WrightAll 3 Finding Home Series books - Pavarus, Morvea, & Airos
Karen StivaliMoment of Impact
Kendall McKenna1) Strength of the Pack 2)Waves Break My Fall
L M SomertonRasputin's Kiss
Lily G BluntPaint the Sky
Megan LindenRunning Off the Edge
Stephen del MarDark Love
TM SmithOpposites
Tracey MichaelPretty Please

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