The details are:
My half came in
at 9,666, only I hate around 1K more to write in chapter 2, it wasn’t until
today that I remember this fact. Which sucks but I’m going to wait until I get
the beta edits back before really getting into it.
I have to beta
read/edit April’s half which lands at 8,265 though she generally adds more in
her second writes, where I take words away, lol
She also needs to
add an epilogue onto the whole story as I wrote the prologue
After we do edits
on our own as are going to get together for a full read of the whole story.
which should be happening at the end of the week if things go well.
Then we’ll send
it out to our other beta readers because we can’t be fill judge of these
things, we are both way to close.
Then it’s off to
edits. And because I’m done and April’s done and we should be into edits before
mid-November then it’s extremely likely for all to be getting your hands on in
in February 2016
Also this week it’s all about organising myself,
getting rid of the little things that have piled up while I was writing.
Last read though
of Encounter Space book 1 and 2
Book 1 probably isn’t that important as it’s at the
point that I don’t expect a lot of changes when it goes into editing and to be
quite honest I’m still debating whether to spend the money or to just get a proof-reader.
It’s going to be free no matter what so and I just don’t have the money. However,
I’d like to get them both done. It’ll really depend on what happens with my royalties
in November as to get these stories out by January 2016 they need to go into
edits next week. I would really like to get these in and done just incase my
editor plans on taking a holiday, but we’ll have to see what happens. Really December
probably isn’t a busy time for editors as people should have all there Dec
books though editing by the end of Nov.
That isn’t to say people won’t have, but I’m hoping.

Last read How to
Format ebooks
I’ve also started re-reading one of my older stories.
if you’ve been following me from the start you might have heard of it before. Life
Just Sucks that Way. it’s not as horrible as I thought, though there will need
to be some major re-writes or re-structures because I know more new then I did
before. But honestly with most of this Old School readings I’m just seeing if
they are worth it. If they need a full re-write or a complete overhaul or put
back into the dusty boxes.
And that’s my week, hope yours isn’t as busy
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