Tuesday 1 December 2015

Woohoo! New Month, the Last to be Exact

Welcome to December, the last month of this lovely year.

It’s also the time of year when we stress about how the hell we’re going to find the time to do everything, while buying present (and can we really afford it all?)

It’s the time of year we wonder where the fuck the year went.

It’s even a time one starts to reflex on the past year, one what little we’ve managed to do and think of next year as being better. As the year everything you want will be done.

SO week one REFLECTING ON 2015

This year was an enlightening one for me. I realised I need to write something new and different. That I can’t just produce the same book repeatedly. It saddens me but the realisation allows me to know my limitations. However on the other hand I don’t realise this and though it seems 5 books (this is while reading too) is a limit of the same thing for me I tend to have series that got beyond that.

I have re-realised my love of YA and am starting to do things about that. This is a next year starting but the ideas; the reality of this though started this year. I’m excited. I really can’t wait.  

I have come to a realisation that until my kids are only (say 5 years at the most) I won’t really be a full time writer. Once my children can get themselves off to school without my help that’s when I become full time because I can actually set a schedule that works for me, not one that works around my children.  This is saying that I work better at nights. I like nights better and this will be reflected in that time. As of now, I just can’t give it my all. I am half, or part-time author. This I think is the most important realisation of this year. I am not a full time author I am a full time mother with a part-time job as an author while they are at school.
This means that even though I have always had it in my mind that they come first, that they truly do now. and they are just too young for me not to be there, to be with them full time.

This isn’t to say things will change. I’m still able to pull all-nighters (or a Saturday night) like I have for the last 5 years, but it means I will allow myself a break when the kids need me more. When I need to be a mother more.

I have decided, because well the above, I guess. I will only publish up to 6 books a year in MM and try for 3 in YA. I think that the MM genre needs to learn to settle themselves you can’t complain about the editing while demanding that your fav authors publish a books every month. It’s not possible, and really cliffhanger or not, in the het world you’d still have to wait and effing year. I think we’ve gotten spoiled and as readers, we are the reason that the books we are buying have declined so much. So we need to learn patients again, need to learn to lay off.  Maybe rather than demanding another book from our favourite authors we could, I don’t know, read a couple of those 2K+ books you have in your tbr pile.

I’m going to plan for 6 books a year. If things happen they do, but I will plan and write 6 books a year for the following year – oh yeah that’s another thing, I’m not going to be writing in the year I publish a book. I want to allow my editor a year to edit my stuff. I just… I can’t deal with the stress and so I’m not going to.

What I have PUBLISHED this year

This was published and pulled within a month I believe. I really like the story (and it will be back up, I’m hoping next year). I changed it so it wouldn’t be banned, and I liked how’s it’s changed in a sense that I’ve created a series from it, and I really love the series. however I’m not going to be able to publish it through ARe anymore, so should I have bothered changing it??
Lots a prob with this book, lots of confusing and hatred and embarrassment but next one, which will be coming, is going to be great. I love it, and honestly I do love it now. I do think it’s better. And I can’t wait to write more of this series. or just for you guys to read more

This is the end of the first arc for the series. I’m not sure if you’ll get another book from this series anytime soon. I just…there is so many probs with this series I just can’t find the love to write more.

24/May – My Kevin

I love this book, and I got it edited and re-realised.

You WILL be getting the whole version of this book next year. I wanted to do it in parts and I have tried it multiple times there just isn’t enough story to put it into parts without at least 2 of them being cliff-hanger no matter if I push it forward or not. 

this is also written for the Goddreads MM Romance Group

I put in a short 300 word story as well as a cover to this contest. The cover I submitted came 4th, which is very cool.

My first go at m-preg. I’m hoping for 2 released next year, which will be interesting. I’d like to publish 2 of them a year, and so far I have 5 books in the series.

I published this promotional collection because April couldn’t get it printed, but that’s what it’s meant for.

This is a cute little anthology of all those short story that go along with the series. I wanted originally to publish them into the books, however that wasn’t advised.

THIS WEEK I hope to write. I haven’t for the last 2 weeks and it’s not a pleasant place inside my head when I can’t write.

I also plan on doing a read threw of The Way Life Turns, highlighting areas April and I need to work with in order to go through and make right before it goes into beta editing. But it’s looking okay, not as much as I hope wrong with it. However, I do think, our voices are a bit off. However the events and the time period’s we are both dealing with allow for that. 

I also need to do some promo graphic's for Moonlit Escapades 

And I believe that’s it. Thanks for sticking with me this long.

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