Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Nic Starr's Our Guest Today

Hi everyone, I’m Nic Starr. Bronwyn asked me if I’d like to pop by for a visit, so here I am. Thank you so much for having me.

I was considering what I should talk about in this post and thought I could give you the spiel on my latest release or perhaps talk about something else. Given Christmas is just around the corner – 2 weeks *gasps in horror* - what a perfect topic!

Last week I was chatting with my mum about Christmas and some of my earliest Christmas memories. I have general memories, all involving the excitement of getting presents (hey, I was a kid so yes, it was all about me!) and lots of food. The long table set with the good china and glassware, masses amounts of food, and all of us sitting around with the paper hats from the Christmas Crackers on our heads. The crackers provided lots of entertainment. My dad and grandfather would read the silly jokes and all of us kids would try to snag the most plastic trinkets.

My earliest concrete memory is of performing in the school Christmas Pageant when I was in first class. I would have been seven years old and had a starring role *cough, cough* as one of Santa’s boomers.

For you non-Aussies out there, a boomer is a Kangaroo because Santa needs to use Kangaroos, not Reindeers, to pull the sleigh while down under. I had the pleasure of dressing up as a Boomer and being on stage for the duration of one song. We were then allowed to drink Coke (big treat) which I subsequently threw up. What a wonderful Christmas! :)

Six White Boomers by Rolf Harris is the song we were performing to. Maybe it’s not PC to mention it anymore due to the recent events surrounding Rolf Harris, but whatever has come to light recently, can’t change my Christmas memories—and I loved that song!
So here’s the link if you want to check out a good Aussie Christmas Carol.

Now for the self-promotion bit.  I have a new release coming on 17th December, More Than a Superstar. If you’re looking for a novella to read over your holiday break, this is it! :)

If you are thinking of purchasing your Christmas gifts through Amazon and haven’t already signed up for Amazon Smile, do consider it. Amazon Smile lets you nominate a charity (I’ve chosen Lost N Found Youth) which will receive a small % from your purchase. Every little bit helps so spread the Christmas cheer.

I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.
Nic xx

More Than A Superstar by Nic Starr
Publishing 17th of Dec 2014 by Dreamspinner Press
Contemporary LGBT Romance

Sam Miller’s dreams are simple—to give back to the aunt who supported him since his mother's death and to have a family of his own. He focuses on making a success of their catering business Poppy's Pantry, and his close group of friends. However, when Aunt Poppy ends up in the hospital, it's a stranger Sam meets in the corridor who gives him the support he needs.

Rob Taylor is a man with secrets. His life in the public eye has taken its toll, and now he lives with the repercussions. When he finds himself falling for Sam, he knows things are finally going his way.

But just as Sam and Rob find their happiness, another secret threatens to tear them apart.

Other buys links won’t be available until closer to release date of 17th December.

If you are thinking of purchasing through Amazon and haven’t already signed up for Amazon Smile, do consider it. Amazon Smile lets you nominate a charity (I’ve chosen Lost N Found Youth) which will receive a small % from your purchase. Every little bit helps!

About Nic Starr
Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn't give it up for the world.
Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!
When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family-an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters-and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.
You can find Nic on Facebook, Twitter and her blog. She'd love it if you stopped by to say hi.

1 comment:

  1. Most of my childhood memories are just of family being together. I look forward to your new book
